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#208 : Représailles

Titre VO :
Titre VF : Représailles/La rencontre
Centric sur :  Ana Lucia
Diffusion USA : 23/11/2005
Diffusion France : 05/08/2006
Guest Stars : Sam Anderson (Bernard), L. Scott Caldwell (Rose), Aaron Gold (Jason Elder), Jeanna Garcia (Shawna), Matt Moore (Travis), Rick Overton (Matthew Reed), Francois Chau (Dr. Marvin Candle) et Rachel Ticotin (Captaine Cortez)

Résumé court :

Sayid est fait prisonnier par Ana Lucia, cette dernière ayant peur de lui après le meurtre de Shannon. Elle empêche aussi les autres de retrouver le campement qui est à quelques minutes. Mais Eko refuse de l'écouter et part.

Ana décide finalement de tous les laisser partir et ne garde que Sayid. Même si elle ne veut pas l'avouer, elle se sent profondément coupable et pense avoir perdu toutes ses chances de s'intégrer aux survivants. 

Pendant ce temps, la blessure de Sawyer s'aggrave et Eko decide de l'emmener seul auprès des autres rescapés... Libby, Bernard, Michael et Jin rejoignent finalement la plage des survivants et laisse place aux retrouvailles.


4.56 - 9 votes

Plus de détails

Flash Back

Ana Lucia reprend son service au Département  de la Police De Los Angeles après avoir été blessée par balle lors d'une interpelation Elle est envoyé au bureau mais demande à retourner tout de suite sur le terrain. Son capitaine Teresa , sa mère, l'accepte malgré des réticences. Durant la patrouille, Ana-Lucia et son équipier,Mike,interviennent sur une scène de ménage apparemment sans danger. Les échanges des deux personnes sont violents et font perdre patience à Ana-Lucia qui sort soudainement son arme pour les menacer.
Son équipier lui ordonne de se calmer et de ranger son revolver.

De retour au quartier général, ilscommencent une discussion sur ce qui c'est passé mais elle est vite arrétée lorsqu'Ana-Lucia apprend qu l'homme responsable de sa blessure,Jason Elder, vient d'être appréhendé.
Bien que toutes les preuves soient contre lui et qu'il ait même avoué, Ana-Lucia doit l'identifier.Elle le regarde dit que ce n'était pas lui malgré les objections de sa mère, elle ne change pas d'avis et il est relâché.

Plus tard, Ana-Lucia est assise dans un bar et attends toute la nuit la sortie de Jason. Lorsqu'il sort, elle le suit dans le parking, l'appelle , et lorsqu'il lui demande si ils se connaissent, elle lève son arme et lui dit qu'elle était enceinte avant de lui tirer 6 balles. 

Sur l'île

Réalisant qu'Ana-Lucia vient de tirer sur Shannon,Sayid  allait lui tirer dessus mais Eko intervient pour ne pas qu'il la tue  et l'assomme.
Ana-Lucia ordonne à Eko de l'attacher  mais  Eko refuse de s'exécuter. Ana menace alors Libby de son arme, lui ordonnant de le faire et en disant qu'elle sait ce qu'elle fait.

Après que Sayid soit attaché, Eko emmène Sawyer trouver les autres survivants. Michael décide de donner de l'eau à Sayid et donne peu d'importance au risque qu'Ana lui tire dessus. Sayid lui demande qui est Ana, ainsi que des nouvelles de son fils Michael répond qu'Ana-Lucia est une survivante de l'arrière  de l'avion et que les "Autres" ont enlevé Walt. Sayid réagit assez brusquement aux nouvelles sur Walt, se rappelant qu'il n'avait pas cru Shannon lorsqu'elle disait avoir vu Walt en mauvaise posture.
Le reste du groupe fait désormais face à Ana-Lucia, lui demandant quels sont ses plans. Convaincue qu'elle sera traquée jusqu'à ce que la mort de Shannon soit vengée, elle dit à Michael d'aller négocier, en échange de Sayid,elle veut au moins la moitié des munitions du camp, ainsi que des vêtements propres pour qu'elle puisse survivre seule dans la jungle.

Alors qu'ils jouent au golf jack et Kate,  rencontre Eko transportant Sawyer. Ils se rendent au Bunker pour  le soigner, interrompant Locke en plein mots croisés .Il leur demande ce qu'il s'est passé mais Jack se contente de lui rappeler qu'il est temps d'appuer sur le bouton. Jack essaye de donner un médicament contre l'infection à Sawyer, mais il refuse de l'avaler .Alors qu'il demande à Kate de l'aider àtenir se tête, elle li dit de la laisser faire, puis parle doucement à l'oreille de Sawyer, qui finit par avaler la pilule.
Jack réagit en disant qu'il n'a pas appris cette méthode. Eko, qui visite le bunker, remarque le logo Dharma,  le meme que celui trouvé de leur coté de l'île.
Il découvre aussi la salle d'armeet. Il va ensuite voir Locke, tout deux se regardent bizarrement quelques secondes, puis lui parle d'une "grande fille blonde" qui s'est fait tirée dessus, que Locke identifie rapidement comme étant Shannon. Lorsqu'il demande à Eko si il pourrait l'emmener sur palce, il regarde  l'armurerie et répond que non. 

Après avoir été informé que Shannon a été tuée et que Sayid est retenu prisonnier, Jack est furieux. Il demande à Eko de l'emmener sur place immédiatement, mais celui-ci s'assoit simplement et ne bougea pas, lui répondant que quoi qu'il dise, il ne fera que renforcer la colère de Jack.
Michael fait alors brusquement irruption dans le bunker et raconte ce qui s'est passé. Jack attrape des armes, donne le fusil à Michael, puis se dirige vers la sortie. Soudainement, Eko crie leur dit de s'arréter et demande à Jack ce qu'il recherche, la Paix, la vengeance ou la Justice Jack lui répond qu'il veut simplement que tout ses amis soit en sécurité, ce à quoi Eko répond qu'Ana-Lucia comis une  erreur.

D'après sa réaction, il paraît évident que Jack connaît Ana. on voit dans un Flash Back la rencontrant au salon de l'aéroport juste avant le décollage de l'avion.

Eko accepte de l'emmener la voir, mais lui seulement, et sans armes.

Ana-Lucia commence à interroger Sayid, d'abord par une questions simple (Si il avait des enfants).Il lui répond que non et lui pose la même question, et elle répond  que non. Il lui demande alors si elle va le tuer, elle lui demande alors si elle devrait .
Sayid lui raconte alors comment 40 jours plus tôt, il attacha un homme (Sawyer) à un arbre pour le torturer, tout comme il l'a fait avec de nombreuses personnes tout au long de sa vie.Il dit qu'elle devrait peut-être le tuer, qu'elle était peut-être destinée à le tuer.
En réponse, Ana lui raconte à son tour son histoire, que lorsqu'elle fut touchée par une balle,  et que tombant sur le sol, elle crut un instant qu'elle était morte.

Sayid lui demande ensuite ce qu'il est advenu de son agresseur, et Ana se rappelle alors comment elle se vengea, et dit à Sayid qu'ils ne le retrouvèrent jamais.

Elle attrape la machette d'Eko, libère Sayid,  et lui conseille de se venger maintenant, d'attraper l'arme et de la tuer – qu'elle l'a mérité. Sayid refuse, répondant que ça ne lui servirait à rien de la tuer, vu qu'ils sont tout les deux déjà morts. Il s'en va alors .

Le reste des survivants de la queue de l'appareil et Jin arrive au camp, où Bernard et Rose se retrouvent.

L'épisode se termine sur Sayid, ramenant le corps de Shannon au camp, et dans la jungle, Ana-Lucia et jack se regardant intensément dans les yeux.


[Ana shooting at a firing range. Scene switches to Ana at the office of Matthew Reed, her therapist.]

Matthew: So how're you doing?

Ana-Lucia: Well, the family with the screaming baby moved.

Matthew: You must be thrilled.

Ana-Lucia: Actually, it's too quiet now.

Matthew: So, how's Danny -- you 2 trying to work things out?

Ana-Lucia: There's nothing to work out. He left.

Matthew: You okay with that?

Ana-Lucia: I guess you could say I'm one of those people that's just better off alone.

Matthew: So, how was the firing range?

Ana-Lucia: Good.

Matthew: How did it feel to hold a gun again?

Ana-Lucia: Very good.

Matthew: All these steps count, Ana. You've come a long way since we met 4 months ago.

Ana-Lucia: Did she say -- you know, when I can come back to work?

Matthew: She left the final determination up to me.

Ana-Lucia: Right.

Matthew: Do you think you're ready?

Ana-Lucia: What do you think?

[He hands Ana her badge. Scene switches to a shot of her LAPD badge at the police dept. office.]

Cop: [off camera]
Welcome back to the force, Officer Cortez.

[Scene switches to right after Ana shot Shannon. Sayid pulls out his gun and goes after Ana.]

Michael: Sayid! Sayid, no!

[Eko tackles Sayid and they fight. Ana cold-cocks Sayid, and grabs the gun.]

Michael: Hey, hey!

Ana-Lucia: [pointing the gun at Michael]
Don't move! Nobody move!

Ana-Lucia: Nobody move. Nobody! [to Eko] Does he have anything else on him?

Eko: What?

Ana-Lucia: He just had a gun to your neck -- check to see if he had anything else on him?

Michael: Hey, put it down.

Ana: pointing the gun at Michael]: Stop.

Michael: Are you crazy? Don't point that at me?

Ana-Lucia: I said stop!

Michael: What is your problem?

[Ana fires off a warning round.]

Bernard: Ana!

Jin: [Says something in Korean, and comes toward Ana.]

Ana-Lucia: Get back! Get back, both of you!

Michael: Are you crazy?

Libby: Ana.

Ana-Lucia: Get back now!

Libby: Ana!

Ana-Lucia: [to Eko]
We need to tie him up.

Eko: I'm not tying him up.

Ana-Lucia: He tried to kill you.

Eko: No.

Ana-Lucia: [pointing the gun at Libby]
You, you do it. Tie him. Use the vines from the stretcher.

Michael: Hey, if we take that thing apart we won't be able to...

Ana-Lucia: Shut up!

Libby: Ana, Sawyer needs a doctor or he'll die.

Ana-Lucia: I know what I'm doing.


[Ana at the police station.]

Captain: I hope this is all of it.

Raggs: That's all we've got right now.

Captain: {something unintelligible}

Raggs: Thanks, Captain.

[Ana knocks at the Captain's open door.]

Captain: Come on in.

Raggs: Hey, look who's here. Good to see you Ana-Lucia, welcome back.

Ana-Lucia: Thanks, Raggs.

Raggs: I'll get you those IRs, Captain.

Captain: Today.

Raggs: You've got it.

Captain: [to Ana-Lucia]
How are you?

Ana-Lucia: Good. Fine.

Captain: Good. Your assignment.

Ana-Lucia: Evidence? You're putting me behind a desk?

Captain: Is that a problem?

Ana-Lucia: I want patrol.

Captain: I don't care what you want.

Ana-Lucia: Just put me in a car.

Captain: You were in an officer involve shooting -- no.

Ana-Lucia: [subtitled from Spanish]
You're doing this because you're my Captain? Or because you're my mother?

Captain: Both.

Ana-Lucia: I need to be back on the street. Please.

Captain: I put you in a car -- everyone's going to know I pulled strings. You don't want me to treat you like my daughter? Don't ask for favors.

Ana-Lucia: Then transfer me.

[Ana's mother/Captain fills out a form.]

Captain: You don't get the transfer, but I'll give you the car. Happy?

Raggs: Sorry to bother you Captain -- Ana, there's a call for you in the bullpen, they say it's real important.

Ana-Lucia: Thanks, Raggs, I'll be right there.

Captain: They got you a cake, try and act surprised.

[Jack filling a water bottle, Rose approaches.]

Rose: Jack, nice to see you out of the hatch. You could use more sunshine.

Jack: I'll take that under advisement.

Rose: A little fruit might do you good, too. Good for the constitution -- at least that's what they say.

Jack: Well, if that's what they say. [Jack takes a piece of fruit from Rose.]

Rose: Mmmm?

Jack: Where'd you get these?

Rose: Well, now just because you're a little excited -- no reason to talk with your mouth full.

[Something drops out of the sky into the water trough Jack was using to fill his bottle. Jack grabs it, and finds it's a golf ball.]

Hurley: Past the hanging tree, double or nothing.

Kate: You sure?

Hurley: Dude, double or nothing, there's no way you're hitting it that far.

Charlie: Hurley, the woman's on bloody steroids.

Kate: Double's 10 thousand bucks.

Charlie: Oh, that's nothing to someone who's worth 150 million dollars. He'll build you your own course, if you'd like.

Kate: What are you talking about?

Hurley: Ignore him, he's an idiot.

[Kate swings and wins the bet.]

Hurley: Crap!

Jack: [entering]
You hooked it. Try keeping your left arm straight.

Kate: You giving me tips?

Jack: Kate, I'm -- I'm a doctor.

Kate: So, you think you could do better?

Jack: [chuckling]
Anyone can hit a ball. That's not golf.

Kate: And what's golf?

Jack: Golf is accuracy.

Kate: Well, why don't we play a few holes and see which one of us is more accurate.

Charlie: Oooh, fighting talk.

Jack: You're kidding, right?

Kate: 3 holes, no handicap, we play for bragging rights. What are we waiting for?

[Eko giving a very sick and shaking Sawyer some water.]

Libby: Ana, let's just get to their camp. It was an accident; they'll understand.

Ana-Lucia: They'll understand? I killed one of them. [motioning to Jin and Michael] If those 2 move, shout.

Libby: Wait, what are you doing?

[Ana walks over to Sayid.]

Sayid: Untie me.

Ana-Lucia: I'm not...

Sayid: Untie me!!!

Libby: Ana.

[Eko lifts Sawyer onto his back.]

Ana-Lucia: What are you doing?

Eko: I'm taking him back to his camp.

Ana-Lucia: Don't leave, please. If that were you, he'd let you die.

Eko: I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for me.


[Ana and her partner, Big Mike, on patrol.]

Big Mike: So'd the shrink give you any good drugs?

Ana: laughing]: Not that kind of shrink.

Big Mike: Did you miss me?

Ana-Lucia: Boy, did I.

Big Mike: I heard about you and Danny. Want me to go kick his ass for you?

Ana-Lucia: Nah. It's better this way. What are we doing in Westwood?

Big Mike: I thought a change of scenery would be nice -- a nice safe neighborhood for your first day back.

Ana-Lucia: This was her idea, wasn't it?

Big Mike: She is the Captain.

Ana-Lucia: Yeah.

Police Radio Voice: 809, please respond to a domestic disturbance call at 2210 South Veteran.

Ana-Lucia: This is 8 Adam-16.

Big Mike: That's not our call.

Police Radio Voice: Go ahead Adam-16.

Ana-Lucia: We're just 3 blocks from away from that call on Veteran. We got it.

Police Radio Voice: Copy that, 8 Adam-16.

[Ana and Big Mike put on their siren. Scene switches to the domestic disturbance. A woman with a baby is fighting with a guy moving stuff.]

Shawna: Where are you going? What are you doing?! Drop the TV, Travis. The TV's mine.

[Ana and Big Mike pull up.]

Travis: I bought it with my money.

Shawna: Liar!

Travis: Did you call the cops?!!

Shawna: What?!

Travis: Do something useful, Shawna, shut your trap.

Shawna: Arrest him; he is stealing my TV. He cannot get away with this.

Travis: She hit me. She hit me.

Big Mike: Hey, enough, all of you! Both of you!

Ana-Lucia: [pulling her gun]
Put your hands where I can see them! Get down on the ground!

Big Mike: Officer Cortez!

Ana-Lucia: Ma'am, get your baby upstairs.

Big Mike: Ana Lucia!

Ana-Lucia: Hands on the ground!

Big Mike: Ana Lucia! He is down. Holster your weapon. Now.

[Ana with Sayid and the rest of the group.]

Libby: Hey, I think you should let him go.

Ana-Lucia: No. He's going to come after me.

Libby: You don't know that.

Ana-Lucia: I killed someone he loves.

[Michael gets up to give Sayid water.]

Ana-Lucia: Sit down. Now.

Michael: I'm bringing him water. You going to shoot me? Shoot me.

Ana-Lucia: Don't even think of untying him.

[Michael gives Sayid some water.]

Sayid: Who is that woman?

Michael: Her name is Ana-Lucia. She was on the plane -- tail section -- they all were. We were bringing them back.

Sayid: Where is Walt?

Michael: They took him -- the others.

Sayid: What do you mean they took him?

Michael: From the raft -- the night we left.

[Sayid grunts and struggles.]

Michael: Hey, man. Hey, we're going to get out of this, man.

[Jack throws a golf tee to the ground.]

Jack: Guess you're first.

Kate: Lucky me.

Jack: You know the lady's tee at my golf club back home is about 10 feet closer so if...

Kate: Shut up, Jack.

[Kate swings and gets the ball very close to the hole.]

Jack: Nice.

Kate: You're up.

[Jack swings and his ball goes into the trees.]

Kate: Wow, you really put it in there.

[Jack crossing over a little creek to get to his ball.]

Kate: We have more balls; you could always just take a drop.

Jack: I'm good. [Jack finds his ball] Got it.

[Kate sees something behind Jack.]

Jack: You may want to move. [He sees the worried look on her face] What?

[Eko enters carrying Sawyer.]

Eko: Where is the doctor?

[Locke in the hatch doing a crossword puzzle. The clue he's looking at is 42 down: Enkidu's friend. Locke fills in Gilgamesh. Jack and Kate enter.]

Jack: I got him. I got him.

Kate: Where are we headed?

Jack: Bathroom. He's burning up. We've got to get him in the shower -- bring his fever down.

Kate: What can I do?

Jack: Okay, go through the medical stash; there's a bottle of Ofloxacin...

Kate: Ofloxacin.

Jack: Ofloxacin -- little white pills. Bring the alcohol and some gauge patches, and strip that bed and make sure it has clean sheets on it. Kate?!

Kate: Uh, yeah, yeah.

[Kate exits and Jack tends to Sawyer's wound. Locke enters and we hear the blip sound of the timer.]

Locke: What happened?

Jack: John, the button.

[Locke exits and Jack turns the shower on Sawyer. Eko examines the Swan Dharma logo. We hear the timer reset to 108. Locke enters.]

Locke: Hello.

Eko: Hello.

[Ana and the rest of the group with Sayid.]

Bernard: [sitting next to Ana]
Hey, what are we doing here, Ana? I mean, their camp has got to be close. I just want to get back to my wife.

Ana-Lucia: How long have I kept you alive out here, Bernard? [Bernard bows his head] That's right. So cut me some slack.

Libby: Hey, we just want to know what you're doing. What's the plan?

Sayid: She has no plan. She only has her guilt and the gun.

Ana-Lucia: You want a plan? [to Michael] Do you have any ammo, back at your camp?

Michael: What?

Ana-Lucia: Ammo -- for the gun -- do you have any back at your camp?

Michael: Yeah, a couple boxes.

Ana-Lucia: Alright, I want it -- at least half. And I'll need a pack -- a big one -- a blanket, some medicine, clothes -- jeans and socks -- you getting all this?

Michael: Yeah, I got it.

Ana-Lucia: Alright, you bring all of that stuff back to me and I'll let your friend go.

Michael: I'm not leaving them.

Libby: Michael, you should.

Michael: No. We stick together.

Jin: Go. [he says something in Korean like: I'll stay here with Sayid.]

Michael: [to Jin]
I'll be back, man.

Libby: Ana, what are you doing? You can't live out here alone.

Ana-Lucia: I'm already alone.


[Ana and Big Mike arrive in the LAPD parking lot.]

Big Mike: I'll sign us out.

Ana-Lucia: What, you talking to me, now?

Big Mike: I just want to go home A-L.

Ana-Lucia: Hey, I ordered that guy to stop twice.

Big Mike: So does that mean every time we run into some yo-yo with a TV in his hands, you're going to draw down?

Raggs: [entering]
Hey, Ana-Lucia -- you're guy -- we got him.

[We see a suspect in an interrogation room from the other side of the mirrored glass.]

Captain: His name is Jason McCormick. We picked him up on an assault on an elderly woman in Echo Park. His fingerprints matched a partial from your crime scene. We questioned him and he confessed. The D.A. is ready to file charges -- all he needs is for you to I.D. him.

Ana-Lucia: It's not him.

Captain: He confessed.

Ana-Lucia: I don't know him.

Captain: [to the lawyers in the room]
Can you guys give us a minute? [to Ana] Why are you doing this?

Ana-Lucia: Because it's not him.

Captain: He put 4 bullets into you -- hollow points through your vest -- he tried to kill you. You want a list of his priors? You want to put this guy back out on the street?

[Ana walks over to Shannon's body and is sad. Scene switches to Eko looking into the gun vault in the hatch. Locke enters.]

Locke: What happened? Out there -- what happened?

Eko: There was an accident.

Locke: What kind of accident?

Eko: A girl was shot and killed.

Locke: What did she look like?

Eko: She was tall with blonde hair. There was an Arab man...

Locke: Shannon. You said there were 5 of you from the tail section?

Eko: 4.

Locke: 4 -- why didn't the rest of them come back with you? And Michael, Jin?

Eko: They cannot come back right now.

Locke: Can you take me to them?

Eko: [looking at the guns]

[Kate brings the anti-biotics and some water to Jack and Sawyer.]

Kate: Here you go. What's happening? Why is he shaking?

Jack: He's septic. The infection's gotten into the blood stream. If the anti-biotics don't bring the fever down he'll go into shock. Hold him up.

Kate: Okay, I've got him.

[Jack puts a pill in his mouth and pours some water in. Sawyer coughs it out.]

Jack: Swallow it, swallow it, swallow it.

Kate: I'll do it.

Jack: No, no, I've got it.

Kate: I can do it. [quietly to Sawyer]: Sawyer? Hey, you have to listen to me, okay? The only way that you are going to get better is if you take this pill. So I want you to swallow it, okay? Okay, here we go. [She puts the pill in his mouth and holds up the glass for him to drink] Now swallow, swallow. Good! Good.

Jack: Nice job. I never learned the whole whisper-in-the-ear thing in med school.

[Ana and the group with Sayid. Bernard is picking up his bags.]

Ana-Lucia: What are you doing?

Bernard: I'm going Ana. I don't want to be a part of this. I know everything you've done for us, and I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. But I'm going.

Ana-Lucia: [to Libby]
What about you?

Libby: I just don't think you're the best judge of character. I was with you when you put Nathan in the pit.

Ana-Lucia: Alright, you want to go? Go. Leave. [To Jin] You -- go.

[Jin looks at Sayid who nods for him to go.]

Ana-Lucia: Get out of here. Go.

[Michael running through the jungle. He comes out of the jungle and sees Sun at her garden.]

Sun: Michael!

Michael: Hi. Listen, it's alright. Jin is okay.

Sun: Where is he?

Michael: He's fine; and I'll explain. But right now, I need to find Jack.

[Jack talking to Eko in the hatch.]

Jack: [angry]
Where are they? [Eko doesn't answer] I said, where are they?

Locke: Jack, it's not his fault...

Jack: Shannon's dead! I'm not... [to Eko] You're going to take me back out there, right now.

Locke: This man isn't the problem. He brought Sawyer back.

Jack: Half-dead with a bullet hole in his shoulder, John. [to Eko] Are you going to talk to me or are you just going to sit there?

Eko: Anything I say will only make you angry. So, yes, I will sit here.

Sun: [entering with Michael]
Jack! Jack! Jack!

Jack: Michael. [They hug].

Michael: We've got a problem, man.

[We see Jack loading a rifle.]

Jack: You remember how to get out there, right?

Michael: Yeah, I think so.

Locke: We should stop and think about this, Jack.

Jack: Think about what, John? Shannon's dead, Sayid's being held at gunpoint. You want to sit and hope that situation resolves itself -- be my guest. [Handing Michael a gun] You know how to use this?

Michael: Yes, sir.

Eko: Stop! Please. What do you want?

Jack: Excuse me?

Eko: Peace? Revenge? Justice? And you are going out with all these guns? What do you want?

Jack: I want all of our people back here safely. Your friend murdered...

Eko: Ana-Lucia made a mistake.

Jack: What did you say?

Eko: Ana-Lucia made a mistake.

Jack: Ana-Lucia.

Eko: I will take you there. But only you, and no guns.

Jack: Let's go.

[Ana repeatedly removing and re-engaging the magazine of the gun.]

Ana-Lucia: Where are you from? [Sayid doesn't answer.] Where are you from?

Sayid: I'm from Iraq.

Ana-Lucia: Do you have any kids?

Sayid: Why are you asking me if I have children?

Ana-Lucia: I'm curious.

Sayid: I do not. Do you have children?

Ana-Lucia: No.

Sayid: Are you going to kill me? That's what you're thinking about isn't it?

Ana-Lucia: Should I?

Sayid: Almost 40 days ago on this very island I tied a man to a tree and tortured him. I tortured him as I've tortured many men -- men whose voices I still hear in the night. Should you kill me? Maybe you should. Maybe you were meant to.

Ana-Lucia: I'm a cop. I was a cop. One night my partner and I responded to a burglary call. We were the first ones there. I covered the front and he went around the back. I was there a minute and then this kid comes right through the front door -- I tell him to put his hands up -- and he's says I'm making a mistake -- that he's a student and he wants to show me his I.D. I believed him. I just -- I let him reach. All I remember was a pop. By the time I hit the ground I thought I was dead. I feel dead.

Sayid: What happened to him -- the man who shot you?


[Ana in a bar. We see the guy who had been in custody before leaving the bar. Ana gets up and follows.]

Ana-Lucia: Hey, Jason.

Jason: Do I know you?

Ana: pulling her gun]: I was pregnant.

[Ana shoots 3 times, walks over and shoots 3 more times.]

Sayid: What happened to him?

Ana-Lucia: Nothing. They never found him. [She picks up Eko's homemade knife and swings it at Sayid, but only to cut the ropes. Then she drops the knife and gun at Sayid's feet.] Go ahead, pick it up, I deserve it.

Sayid: What good it would be to kill you if we're both already dead?

[Sayid goes to Shannon's body to carry it back.]

[Kate with Sawyer who is shivering.]

Kate: Hey! Hey, can you hear me? You're going to be okay. You're going to be alright. You're home.

[Montage of Michael finding Vincent on the beach; Bernard, Libby, and Jin coming to the beach; Charlie and a bunch of redshirts greet them; Bernard and Rose reunite; Sun and Jin reunite; Eko and Jack come across Sayid carrying Shannon followed by Ana.]

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16.06.2022 vers 23h

25.03.2022 vers 09h

20.03.2022 vers 03h

08.03.2022 vers 13h

30.08.2021 vers 10h

24.12.2020 vers 11h

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Alternative Awards | On compte sur vous !

Activité récente
Matthew Fox de retour avec un rôle principal à la télévision après 11 ans

Matthew Fox de retour avec un rôle principal à la télévision après 11 ans
Onze années après la fin de Lost, Matthew Fox retrouve le petit écran dans un rôle principal....

Dominic Monaghan au casting d'un drame spatial futuriste : Moonhaven

Dominic Monaghan au casting d'un drame spatial futuriste : Moonhaven
Dominic Monaghan a intégré la série en 6 épisodes, Moonhaven, drame spatial futuriste destiné à...

L'intégrale de Lost sur Disney+ Star le 23 février

L'intégrale de Lost sur Disney+ Star le 23 février
La plateforme Disney+ va lancer le 23 février prochain Disney+ Star et il y aura un très grand...

Décès de l'actrice Mira Furlan à 65 ans

Décès de l'actrice Mira Furlan à 65 ans
Nous apprenons ce vendredi 22 janvier une bien triste nouvelle : l'actrice Mira Furlan, qui...

Nouveau Sondage

Nouveau Sondage
Un nouveau sondage est en ligne, en l'honneur de John Locke.Merci pour vos votes. :)...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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Imaginez. Quel autre acteur aurait pu incarner John Locke ?

Total : 29 votes
Tous les sondages


sossodu42, 04.05.2024 à 18:06

Bonsoir, une nouvelle bannière pour le quartier HPI attend vos votes merci

ShanInXYZ, 04.05.2024 à 18:09

Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, Avant-hier à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

Viens chatter !