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#516 : Au bout du voyage (1ère partie)

Titre en VO :
The incident (partie 1)
Titre en VF : Au bout du voyage (partie 1)
Centric sur : Jacob
Diffusion USA : 13/05/09
Diffusion France : 07/10/09
Guest Stars : L. Scott Caldwell (Rose), Sam Anderson (Bernard), John Terry (Christian Shephard), Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert), Jeff Fahey (Frank Lapidus), Francois Chau (Dr. Pierre Chang), Patrick Fischler (Phil), Eric Lange (Radzinsky), Zuleikha Robinson (Ilana), Brad William Henke (Bram), Jon Gries (Roger Linus), Alice Evans (Eloise Hawking, jeune), Andrea Gabriel (Nadia), Kevin Chapman (Mitch), Mark Pellegrino (Jacob), Titus Welliver (Mib), Emily Rae Argenti (Kate, jeune), Tanner Maguire (Tom, jeune), George Gerdes (Mr. Springer), Rylee Fansler (Juliet, jeune), Savannah Lathem (Rachel, jeune),  Keegan Boos (Sawyer, jeune)

Résumé court :

On découvre le passé de Jacob et sa vie sur l'île, avec son frère.

Kate a rejoind Sawyer et Juliet dans le sous-marin. Sauf qu'il décide de retourner sur l'île pour empêcher Jack, d'accomplir sa mission.

Sayid et Jack sont aux baraquements et la guerre est déclaré. Sayid est blessé mais Hurley arrive avec Jin, pour les sauver. Après, dans la jungle, il y aura un règlement de compte entre Sawyer et Jack.

Finalement, Jack jette la bombe, dans la future station Cygne. Le poche d'énergie a déjà été percée et le champ magnétique est plus puissant que jamais. L'enfer commence et Juliet est prise au piège !

Locke emmène Ben face à Jacob pour qu'il le tue.


4.33 - 6 votes

Titre VO
The incident (partie 1)

Titre VF
Au bout du voyage (1ère partie)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Scène avec la bombe

Scène avec la bombe


Plus de détails

Deux hommes sont sur la plage. Ils observent un très grand voilier au large. L'un d'eux est Jacob, l'autre un homme qui semble haïr Jacob puisqu'il ne désire qu'une chose : le tuer. Il lui affirme qu'un jour il trouvera la faille qui le fera tomber.

Dans un flash-back, Jacob vient à la rescousse de la jeune Kate âgée d'une dizaine d'années. Celle-ci vient de se prendre en flagrant délit de vol dans un magasin. Jacob paye au commerçant la petite valise que Kate a volée et se montre très gentil avec elle.

Jacob est présent le jour de l'enterrement des parents de Sawyer. Il rencontre également Jack à l'hôpital après la première intervention chirurgical de celui-ci, ainsi que Sayid alors que ce dernier vit à Los Angeles avec Nadia. Il assiste au mariage de Jin et Sun et est témoin de la chute de Locke lorsque son père le pousse par la fenêtre, le rendant paralysé.

Par ailleurs, Jacob est responsable du retour d'Hurley sur l'île. Lors de leur rencontre à Los Angeles, Jacob lui fait comprendre qu'au lieu d'être maudit, Hurley est béni.

Dans le sous-marin qui emmène Juliet, Sawyer et Kate, Kate expose le plan de Jack à Sawyer. Ce dernier refuse de retourner sur l'île pour empêcher Jack de faire exploser la bombe, il a décidé avec Juliet de refaire sa vie et ne veut pas faire machine arrière. Kate est sidérée de voir que Sawyer ne se sent pas concerné.

Juliet intervient et demande à Sawyer de retourner sur l'île. Munis d'une arme, ils forcent le capitaine du sous-marin à les laisser partir.

De leur côté, Sayid et Jack sont face à la bombe hydrogène et se demandent comment ils vont pouvoir la déplacer. Sayid trouve la solution dans le cahier de Daniel, le coeur de la bombe suffit à faire exploser la station Cygne. Ils enlèvent donc le coeur de la bombe et décident de repartir par une des maisons de la Dharma. Eloise veut passer en première mais Richard l'assomme. Il explique à Jack qu'il ne veut prendre le risque que leur leader se fasse tuer. Jack et Sayid partent donc tous les deux.

Dehors, c'est la panique. L'alerte a été lancée et les gens courrent partout. Jack et Sayid espèrent passer inaperçus mais Roger, le père de Ben, reconnaît Sayid. Il lui tire une balle dans le ventre. Jack riposte et ils sont secourus par Hurley, Jin et Miles. Ils partent à bord du van.

Dans la jungle, ils sont arrêtés par Sawyer, Juliet et Kate. Sawyer demande à parler à Jack pour lui faire entendre raison. Il lui explique qu'il ne faut tenter de changer les choses, et veut comprendre ses motivations. Jack lui avoue qu'il regrette d'avoir perdu Kate et veut donc tout annuler. Ils finissent par se battre mais Juliet les interrompt.

Elle pousse Sawyer à laisser Jack faire ce qu'il veut. Sawyer ne comprend pas la réaction de Juliet, elle qui voulait quitter l'île et refaire sa vie avec lui. Si Jack réussit, ils ne se rencontreront jamais. Juliet lui répond qu'elle a vu la façon dont Sawyer regardait Kate, elle est persuadée qu'elle et Sawyer ne sont pas faits pour être ensemble. Elle lui explique que s'ils ne se rencontrent pas, elle n'aura pas à vivre la souffrance de le perdre.


Jack réussit à convaincre Kate de se ranger de son côté. Il fait allusion à Claire et Aaron qui ne seront pas séparés si leur avion ne s'écrase pas sur l'île. Jack part donc en direction de la trappe, muni de la bombe.

Miles fait alors remarquer aux autres que l'incident que va provoquer Jack avec la bombe est peut-être l'incident à l'origine de tout, le champ magnétique libéré, le crash... Tout le monde se regarde, perplexe. Kate aperçoit alors une voiture se dirigeant vers la trappe. Il s'agit de Phil qui vient protéger la station Cygne. Jack est donc rapidement repéré par Phil et ses hommes.

Kate et les autres viennent en renfort et réussissent à neutraliser les hommes armés. Le Dr Chang est également présent et tente de stopper le forage de la station. Il est déjà trop tard, le forage a percé la poche d'énergie. Tous les objets métalliques sont rapidement aspirés par la trappe. Jack a jeté la bombe mais celle-ci n'explose pas.

Juliet est emportée par une chaîne vers la trappe. Kate et Sawyer tente de la retenir mais la force du champ magnétique est trop puissante et Juliet est happée après avoir dit à Sawyer qu'elle l'aime.

Sawyer est dévasté. Au fond de la trappe, Juliet n'est pas morte mais très blessée. Elle remarque la bombe qui n'a pas explosé. Elle attrappe un caillou et frappe dessus jusqu'à ce que la bombe explose.

Richard vient d'apprendre que Ben a étranglé Locke. Il se montre alors très intrigué et demande à Locke comment il a pu réssusciter. Locke lui répond qu'il ne connaît pas l'île aussi bien que lui et lui fait remarquer que lui ne vieillit pas, et que tout est possible. Richard lui répond que c'est Jacob qui lui a donné une jeunesse éternelle.

Ilana et quelques autres survivants du crash Aljira Airlines arrivent sur l'île principale. Ils transportent une grande caisse. Ilana est une proche de Jacob. Dans un flash-back, celui-ci lui rend visite à l'hôpital et lui demande de l'aider, ce qu'elle accepte aussitôt.

Son groupe se dirige donc vers la statue sur la plage, où sont arrivés Locke, Ben, Richard, Sun et les Autres. Ben révèle à Locke que sa fille Alex lui est apparu pour lui ordonner d'obéir à Locke. Locke lui ordonne alors de tuer Jacob en lui rappelant que Ben s'est toujours montré loyal envers Jacob et pourtant il n'a jamais pu le rencontrer, il a eu un cancer et a vu sa fille mourir. Richard pousse une porte cachée dans la statue en forme de pied et laisse Ben et Locke entrer. Ils retrouvent Jacob.

Pendant ce temps, Ilana demande à parler à Ricardus. Richard s'approche et lui pose la question "Que cache la statue ?", Richard donne tout de suite la bonne réponse en latin qui signifie "L'homme qui nous protège". Ilana ouvre la caisse où se trouve le corps de Locke.

Dans la statue, Jacob regarde Locke et comprend qu'il a trouvé la faille à laquelle l'homme du début faisait allusion. Il tente de convaincre Ben de ne pas faire ce que Locke lui a demandé. Ben est en colère, il veut des explications, il ne comprend pas pourquoi il n'a jamais pu le rencontrer et veut savoir ce qu'il lui manque pour être considéré. Jacob lui fait comprendre froidement que Ben n'a rien de particulier. Ben se rue sur Jacob et le tue à coups de couteau.

"The Incident- Part 1" ~5x16~

Act 1

[Flashback - Clay water jugs sit in the corner of a room on a stone floor. A spinning wheel spins coarse threads. The spindle is fed industriously by hand, as a rope sandal-shod foot works the pedal. It is a man sitting working the spinning wheel; he wears dark pants and a white shirt and sits alone in a large cavernous room supported by several large columns several feet in diameter. Fire crackles in a large round pit at the center of the room. The far wall is decorated with a faded painting of the winged Egyptian goddess Isis. Up from his wheel, the spinner uses a primitive loom to weave his coarse threads into a tapestry. He uses long-bladed knife to ever so carefully push the threads together. The man is blond, with a short beard. His tapestry depicts a pair of wings outstretched from an encircled Eye of Horus, and what appear to be seventeen long arms emanating like rays out from the eye. Across the top is emblazoned a Greek-lettered motto. The fire pit burns brightly to ash.]

[Outside, on a sun-drenched shore, the tide comes in on some rocks that form a pool near the shore. The man, Jacob, wades into the pool, clothes and all, and reaches down inside to pull up a hand-made fish trap, sort of an inverted cone of bundled reeds. The man inspects it to note his catch. He climbs the beach and empties the trap onto a rock in the sand. A beautiful golden fish comes out. The man filets the fish with the same long-bladed knife from before, and sets the filets onto a rock that hangs like a balcony over a beach fire. A short time later, he removes a cooked filet from the rock using his knife and places the filet into a shiny green broad leaf. He plunges his knife into the sand and sits against a log on the beach to enjoy his breakfast, looking out onto the sea, where a several-masted sailing vessel slowly approaches the Island on the horizon. As the blond man eats, a gray-haired man, the Man in Black approaches. The Man in Black, similarly, wears clothing that looks to be hand-made--a dark blue shirt tied close with a belt of rope--and has a short beard.]

MAN IN BLACK: Morning.

JACOB: Mornin'.

MAN IN BLACK: Mind if I join you?

JACOB: [Shaking his head] Please. Want some fish?

MAN IN BLACK: Thank you. I just ate.

[The Man in Black sits down not far away.]

JACOB: I take it you're here 'cause of the ship.

MAN IN BLACK: I am. How did they find the Island?

JACOB: You'll have to ask 'em when they get here.

MAN IN BLACK: I don't have to ask. You brought them here. Still trying to prove me wrong, aren't you?

JACOB: You are wrong.

MAN IN BLACK: Am I? They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.

JACOB: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress.

[The Man in Black stares at his compatriot.]

MAN IN BLACK: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?


MAN IN BLACK: One of these days, sooner or later... I'm going to find a loophole, my friend.

JACOB: Well, when you do, I'll be right here.

MAN IN BLACK: Always nice talking to you, Jacob.

JACOB: Nice talking to you, too.

[The Man in Black stands up and walks away. Planted just near and towering above the beach spot where Jacob has made his breakfast is the four-toed statue of Taweret.]


Act 2

[In the parking lot outside a general store, a young Kate and a young Tom Brennan stand behind a pickup truck, peeking out at the store.]

KATE: Are you gonna do it?

[Tom, playing with the infamous model airplane, looks up.]

TOM: Uh-uh. You do it.

KATE: Fine, I'll do it. But you're gonna be lookout, okay?

TOM: Okay.

[The two venture into the store. Tom stops at the door to lookout, while Kate continues down an aisle.]

WOMAN: [In background] Yeah, I mean, we've been farming the land all the way back to Aines Road.

[Kate stops, looking back to Tom for the all-clear. He nods, and she continues walking, stopping at the lunchboxes. "Cigarette in an Ashtray" by Patsy Cline plays over the store's speakers. Selecting one whose front features the New Kids on the Block, she slides it into her backpack and turns to leave. She and Tom attempt to slip out the door, but the shopkeeper is quick, and grabs Kate's arm.]

SHOPKEEPER: What you kids got there? Open your bag.

[Kate does so regretfully. The shopkeeper snatches the lunchbox out of her backpack, glancing over it.]

SHOPKEEPER: Mhm. Where'd you get this?

KATE: [pointing] I got it over there.

SHOPKEEPER: I know you. You're Diane Austen's girl...what's your name?

KATE: Katie.

SHOPKEEPER: Well Katie, I'm calling your mom, then the cops, because I don't tolerate stealing here, you understand?

MAN [offscreen]: No need to do that. I'll pay for it. I hope this is enough. [gestures with several bills]

[Kate and Tom look over at the man in surprise -- it's Jacob, looking exactly the same now as he did back in the 1800's.]

SHOPKEEPER: Well, as long as somebody pays for it, I guess there's no harm done. [to Kate] But I don't want to see you in here ever again without your parents, you understand me?

[Kate nods meekly. The shopkeeper leaves, and Kate looks up at Jacob, who seems to sympathize with her. He hands her the lunchbox.]

KATE: Thanks, mister.

JACOB: You're welcome. [He kneels down to be at eye level with her.] You're not going to steal anymore, are you?

[Kate nods no. Jacob taps her on the end of her nose with his index finger.]

JACOB: Be good, Katie. [He stands and leaves.]

[On-Island, 1977 - Years later in Kate's life, she is on the Galaga, handcuffed to Juliet.]

CAPTAIN BIRD: [over loudspeaker] Welcome aboard, everyone. We will be doing some system checks offshore here before heading out into the open ocean and submerging to our operational running depth. You should be receiving your sedatives and then we will escort you to your sleeping berths.

[Mitch hands out small cups of sedative-laced orange juice to several passengers, who drink.]

CAPTAIN BIRD: Have a nice rest, and we'll see you on the other side. [clicks off loudspeaker.]

KATE: We have to get out of here.

SAWYER: Outta here? We're underwater. What the hell are you doing here? How'd you get caught?

KATE: I came back to get you.

SAWYER: Came back to get me for what?

JULIET: Where's Jack?

KATE: Jack is on his way to blow up a hydrogen bomb.

SAWYER: Why the hell would he do that?

KATE: Does it matter? We have to stop him.

[There's a pause as Sawyer and Juliet look at each other.]

SAWYER: Sorry, but I'll pass.

KATE: [shocked] Did you hear what I just said?

SAWYER: Yeah, I heard you. You just don't get it, Kate. We were happy in Dharmaville 'til y'all showed up. But now that's all over. So we're gonna drink our O.J. and take our chances in the real world. Jack wants to blow up the Island, good for Jack.

[In the tunnels, Jack is walking around Jughead. Sayid is nearby, reading Daniel's journal. Richard, a short distance away, paces impatiently.]

JACK: Is there anything in there about how we were supposed to move a ten-ton bomb across the Island?

SAYID: Actually, it's twenty tons. Fortunately, it seems Faraday never intended freight the device in its entirety.


SAYID: He left detailed instructions on how to remove the plutonium core...and how to detonate it.

JACK: Faraday told me that we needed to wipe out some kind of pocket of energy. Is only part of the bomb going to be enough to do that?

SAYID: The core itself is a thermonuclear weapon. It'll be more than enough.

[Sayid stands, handing the journal to Jack. He strides over to a nearby metal box and begins dragging it.]

RICHARD: Hey, hey, wait. We sealed that thing up twenty years ago, and we put it underground because it was emitting radiation. Does this sound like a good idea to you, Eloise?

ELOISE: Richard --

RICHARD: You're pregnant.

ELOISE: Which is exactly why we have to help them see this through.

[Sayid continues dragging the box.]

ELOISE: [cont'd] Once the core is removed, then what?

SAYID: Then, we have approximately two hours to take it to the Swan site.

JACK: Two hours?

SAYID: When Faraday returned to the Island, he was very explicit about this timetable.

JACK: Well then, we better get moving.

[At the Swan site, a DHARMA bus pulls up. Radzinsky storms out.]

RADZINSKY: Who stopped the damn drill!?

[He turns a corner, and Pierre Chang is looking up at the drill.]

CHANG: I did.


CHANG: Because when we passed seventy meters, the drill temp went up sixty degrees, and I didn't want it to melt.

RADZINSKY: [striding away] Pierre, that's why we have a truck full of water. So cool it down and turn it on. [walks up to control panel]

CHANG: Stuart, we just evacuated the Island of all nonessential personnel. We're in the midst of a possible insurrection. Do you really think this is the ideal time for your experiments?

RADZINSKY: I've been working on this project for six years. Designing a station that'll be able to manipulate electromagnetism in ways we only dreamed of.

CHANG: Have you thought about the consequences of drilling into that pocket? We have no idea what we are gonna --

RADZINSKY: If Edison was only worried about the consequences, we'd all still be sitting in the dark. I came to this Island to change the world, Pierre; that's exactly what I intend to do. [strides away] [to workers] Let's get it started! [turns on drill; it whirs to life, drilling away into the blackness below.]

[Title card: Thirty Years Later]

[2007 - Locke, Ben, Sun, and the Others are trekking across the beach. Locke stops, taking off his backpack and pulling out a canteen. He holds the canteen up in the air.]

LOCKE: Take five, everybody! We've still got a ways to go to get to Jacob.

[Sun looks at Ben.]

SUN: Who's Jacob?

BEN: He's in charge of this Island.

SUN: You said John was in charge.

BEN: No, I said he was the leader, a title that I've discovered is incredibly temporary. But everyone answers to someone, and the leader answers to Jacob.

SUN: What's he like?

BEN: I don't know, Sun. I've never met him.

[Ben walks away. Meanwhile, Richard, stands nearby Locke, staring at him.]

LOCKE: You've been staring for the last ten minutes, Richard. Is there something you'd like to ask me?

RICHARD: Ben told me that he strangled you.

LOCKE: That is my recollection, yes.

RICHARD: He said he was sure you were dead. That he saw your coffin loaded onto that plane that you came back on. How are you alive?

LOCKE: Well, you've been on this Island much longer than I have, Richard. If anyone should have an explanation, I'd think it would be you.

RICHARD: I - I have been here a long time, John. And I have seen things on this Island that I could barely describe, but I've never seen someone come back to life.

LOCKE: And I've never seen anyone who doesn't age. Doesn't mean it can't happen.

RICHARD: I'm this way because of Jacob. And if I had to guess, he's the reason you're not in that coffin anymore.

LOCKE: I agree completely, Richard. That's why I'm doing this. So I can thank him. [Locke picks up his backpack, placing the canteen inside it.] Once I've done that, we're gonna need to deal with the rest of the passengers from the Ajira flight that brought me here.

RICHARD: What do you mean, 'deal with them'?

LOCKE: You know what I mean.

[Richard looks at Locke, shocked.]

LOCKE: [to everyone] Let's go!

[Locke then walks off, with Richard looking after him.]

[Out at sea, Ilana, Bram, and three other people are rowing an outrigger, the contents of which are the Ajira crate, and an unconscious Frank. They dock on the beach, and all get out, except for Frank.]

ILANA: Untie the crate.

BRAM: Why'd we even bring this yahoo?

ILANA: Because, we might need him.

BRAM: For what? He didn't know the answer to the question.

ILANA: That doesn't mean he's not important.

BRAM: What, you think he's a candidate?

[Ilana looks at Bram, then at Frank.]

ILANA: He's awake.

[Frank realizes that there's no use pretending, so he opens his eyes.]

BRAM: How long you been listening to us?

FRANK: Long enough to wonder what the hell I'm a candidate for. [He gets up with the help of Bram] Who the hell are you people?

ILANA: We're friends.

FRANK: So you smack all your friends in the face with a rifle, shove 'em in a boat, and kidnap 'em?

ILANA: Only the ones we like.

[A smiling Bram offers Frank a canteen.]

BRAM: [to the other three passengers, picking up the crate] Let's go.

FRANK: What's in the box?

[Ilana looks at Bram expectantly.]

BRAM: Your call.

ILANA: Open it.

[They do. Frank looks in and is shocked by what he sees.]

FRANK: Terrific.


Act 3

[Flashback - Church bells toll after a funeral. A young James Ford watches caskets containing the bodies of his parents being placed in vehicles to be transported to the cemetery. His uncle's arm rests on his shoulder supportively.]

[Afterwards, the young James set on the steps of the church, writing a note. His pen is not working well, and he shakes it a few times.]

MAN: [offscreen] Need a pen, son?

[James looks up. Jacob approaches him, dressed in a suit.]

JAMES: Yeah, thanks.

[Jacob reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a pen, offering it to James, who accepts.]

JACOB: Here you go. You can keep it.

[James looks down forlornly.]

JACOB: I'm very sorry about your mother and father, James.

[James looks up. Jacob looks at him sadly for a moment, then walks away. James continues writing his note; it's revealed to be his letter to the original Sawyer. As Jacob leaves, James' uncle Doug approaches.]

UNCLE DOUG: Come on, Jimmy. We gotta get to the cemetery, okay? [He notices James' note] What you writin'?

JAMES: Nothin'.

[Doug takes the paper and reads.]

DOUG: Dear Mr. Sawyer...[looks at James, then continues reading] You don't know who I am, but I know who you are, and what you done. [Doug looks back up at young James, tears in his eyes. He sits down next to him.] Listen to me, Jimmy. I know you're angry at the man that did this to your momma and daddy. And hell, you got every right to be. But you gotta move on, boy. They're gone, and there ain't nothing you can do to change that. [pauses] What's done is done. Now promise me you're not going to finish that letter.

JAMES: I promise.

DOUG: Good. [He hands the notebook back to James.] Come on, let's go say goodbye.

[They get up and leave.]

[On-Island, 1977 - On the sub, Sawyer looks around at Kate and Juliet.]

SAWYER: Let me get this straight. Jack sets off the nuke, which somehow...resets everything. So flight 815 never crashes...lands in L.A. safe and sound, and none of this ever happened.

KATE: Sawyer, if Jack does this he could kill everyone on the Island.

SAWYER: Yeah, I heard that part.

KATE: And you're okay with that?

SAWYER: You ain't hearin' me, Kate. I made a choice, and I'm stickin' to it. I decided to leave, and I'm leavin'.

[Mitch arrives with the tray of glasses.]

MITCH: Alright, here's your sedatives.

[As soon as he's close enough, Juliet attacks, knocking him out.]

SAWYER: What the hell did you just do?

[Using Mitch's keys, Juliet unlocks herself and Kate.]

JULIET: We decided to leave this Island, James, we did. And now we're going back.

SAWYER: Are you serious?

JULIET: We can't just let those people die. [Sawyer sighs.] You want out? Or do you want to stay here and whine about it?

SAWYER: Unlock the damn cuffs.

[Meanwhile, Captain Bird is talking into his radio.]

CAPTAIN BIRD: Galaga to base. System check is complete. We're locked on a departure bearing and ready to leave the Island.

VOICE OVER SPEAKER: Roger that, Galaga. Have a safe trip! See you when you return.

[Bird hangs up, and suddenly hears the cock of a gun. Turning around, he sees Sawyer, Juliet, and Kate holding him at gunpoint.]

JULIET: Give me your gun.

[Sawyer takes the gun.]

SAWYER: Appreciate that, captain. Now we need you to surface the sub.

BIRD: What? I can't take this sub up--

[Juliet presses the gun to his face.]

SAWYER: Oh, I think you can.

JULIET: Once we're gone, proceed on course. Whatever you do, do not take those people back to the Island. Understand?

BIRD: What if Horace tries to contact me, hmm? What am I supposed to say?

[Sawyer shoots the comm system.]

SAWYER: You ain't home.

JULIET: [to Bird] Go.

[Bird begins to surface the sub.]

[Meanwhile, underground, Jack picks up a pack].

JACK: Sayid, is this big enough?

SAYID: That'll do.

[Jack brings him the pack.]

JACK: Are you done with Faraday's journal?

SAYID: Take it.

[While Sayid works on removing the core from Jughead, Richard picks up a large hammer. Sayid removes the core.]

RICHARD: [to Jack] Can I ask you a question?

JACK: Sure.

RICHARD: Over, uh, twenty years ago, a man named John Locke, he walked right into our camp. And he told me that he was going to be our leader. Now I've gone off the Island three times, to visit him. But he never seemed particularly special to me.

JACK: You said you had a question.

RICHARD: You know him? Locke?

JACK: [chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, I know him. And if I were you, I wouldn't give up on him.

[2007 - Locke's group continues trekking. Ben and Locke are walking side by side.]

LOCKE: [to Ben, pointing at Richard] Why haven't you told him yet?

BEN: Told who what?

LOCKE: Richard. Why haven't you told him about my plans for Jacob?

BEN: If by plans you mean murdering him, John, I assumed you'd want to keep that a secret.

LOCKE: When did that ever stop you?

BEN: Well, I starting thinking differently about things when my dead daughter threatened to destroy me if I didn't do everything you said.

LOCKE: [stopping Ben] Whoa, whoa, wait...where did this happen?

BEN: In that cavern, beneath the Temple. When we went to see the monster.

LOCKE: So you're willing to do whatever I say, no matter what it is?

BEN: Yes.

LOCKE: [grinning] Well, then. I guess I won't have to convince you after all.

BEN: Convince me to do what?

LOCKE: I'm not going to kill Jacob, Ben. You are.

[Ben looks on, shocked.]


Act 4

[Flashback - On a busy street, Sayid and Nadia are walking next to each other, talking.]

SAYID: Paris or Rome?

NADIA: No. [giggles]

SAYID: Florence?

NADIA: It doesn't matter, as long as we're together!

SAYID: Yes it does! It's our anniversary, we have to find the perfect place.

[They stop at a street corner that Jacob also happens to be standing at.]

NADIA: Can we settle for finding my sunglasses?

[The light changes, and Sayid and Nadia begin to cross the street. Nadia begins to dig in her purse. Jacob suddenly follows after them.]

JACOB: Excuse me, sir? Could you help me? [Sayid turns.] I'm sorry, I think I'm lost. Are you from Los Angeles?

SAYID: What are you looking for?

[Nadia turns, waving her sunglasses.]

NADIA: I found them!

[Nadia is suddenly hit by a car, throwing her forward several feet. The car speeds away. Sayid rushes to Nadia's side. She is mortally wounded.]

SAYID: [gasping] Nadia! Nadia?

NADIA: (in Arabic) Take me home, take me home.

[Nadia dies. Sayid sobs, kissing her cheek and clutching her hand.]

[On-Island, 1977 - In the tunnels, Sayid wraps up Jughead in a cloth and places it in a backpack.]

SAYID: Time is short, let's go.

[After going down a hallway, Richard, knocks on the wall, which returns a hollow sound.]

RICHARD: Alright, stay back.

[Richard proceeds to knock the wall down with a hammer. It leads into the basement of a house in the Barracks.]

JACK: It's one of the DHARMA houses. I'll go first.

ELOISE: Jack, don't misunderstand who's in charge here. I'll go first. Because if someone in that house is a threat, you might hesitate. [cocks gun] But I won't.

RICHARD: Alright, okay, Eloise, go on, after you.

ELOISE: Once we give you the all clear, then you bring the bomb. [Sayid nods.] We don't want any accidents --

[Suddenly, Richard knocks her out with the butt of his pistol.]

JACK: What the hell are you doing?

RICHARD: [pointing gun at them] I'm protecting our leader. Get back. She's gonna be angry when she wakes up, but that's a lot better than being dead. She ordered me to help you, we helped you, now you're on your own. I'm taking her out the way we came in.

SAYID: [to Jack] After you.

[Jack climbs through the hole, followed by Sayid. Exiting the basement, they proceed to enter the living room of the house. Outside, an alarm is sounding, and people are running around.]

VOICE OVER SPEAKER: We are in a code black! Report with your weapons to your security assignment immediately. If you come into contact with a hostile, you are authorized to use deadly force.

JACK: How the hell are we going to get out of here?

SAYID: [noticing Horace's jumpsuit] We hide in plain sight. [he grabs the uniform]

[Jack and Sayid continue outside, walking calmly but cautiously. Phil is talking to his team nearby.]

PHIL: You go over there by the gate, and you get... ...so you guys go.

[Roger suddenly recognizes Sayid.]

ROGER: Hey! HEY! [he cocks his gun, Sayid and Jack turn] You're the son of a bitch who shot my kid!

SAYID: Don't fire that weapon, I'm carrying a nuclear de---

[Roger fires, and the shot hits Sayid in the stomach. He falls to the ground. Jack returns fire, firing into the crowd. Bullets fly, and Jack and Sayid take shelter behind a house. Jack attempts to run, but Jin, Miles and Hurley drive up in a DHARMA bus, opening the door.]

JIN: Get in!

[They do.]

JACK: Drive!

[They drive off. A shot shatters their rear windshield, but they escape into the jungle.]


Act 5

[The submarine sails off, leaving Sawyer, Juliet, and Kate in a rowboat.]

SAWYER: From the looks of the sun, I'd say that's the north shore over there.

KATE: The sun's over there, that's gotta be the west coast.

SAWYER: Really? You got a compass?

KATE: No, do you?

[They dock on the beach.]

KATE: [to Juliet] Thank you.

JULIET: For what?

KATE: For backing me up at the sub.

JULIET: No problem.

SAWYER: I got no idea where the hell we are!

[Suddenly, a barking noise comes from the jungle, and they are greeted by Vincent.]

SAWYER: Vincent! Come here! Hey! Hey! How you doin', boy? Haven't seen you since the flamin' arrows three years ago!

JULIET: Hey! How'd you survive alone out here?

[Suddenly, a woman's voice is heard.]

ROSE: Oh, hell no. Bernard!

[Bernard runs out of the jungle, bearded and carrying a staff.]

ROSE: They found us.

BERNARD: Son of a bitch.

[Across the Island, the DHARMA van rockets along a trail.]

MILES: Is that a bomb?!

JACK: [To Sayid] Try not to move. I need to stop the bleeding.

HURLEY: What's going on back there? Is Sayid okay?

JACK: Does he look okay?! Just keep your eyes on the damn road!

HURLEY: Ah, let's pull over!

MILES: And get shot! Just drive!

HURLEY: I don't know where we're going.

JACK: The Swan site. Head to the Swan.

HURLEY: Why do you want to go there? If Sayid's shot, shouldn't we--

JACK: Hurley, if you want to save Sayid, take us to the Swan!

HURLEY: The Swan it is.

JIN: Jack, what's at the Swan?

JACK: I think I found a way to get you back to your wife. So hold on.

[Sawyer, Kate, Juliet, Rose and Bernard walk through the jungle. Vicent runs off in front.]

SAWYER: AYou're telling me you've just been living out here in the jungle for the past three years, by yourselves?

ROSE: Uh-huh.

SAWYER: Well, I'm sorry y'all got left behind. Didn't you hear me shout out, "Meet at the creek"?

BERNARD: You mean with flaming arrows raining down around us, killing everyone we knew? Oh, sure, we heard ya.

SAWYER: Well, we spent all sorts of time looking for ya. I had Jin out searching the Island grid by grid.

ROSE: Yeah, we know.

SAWYER: You know?

ROSE: Oh, sure, you guys all joined up with the DHARMA Initiative.

SAWYER: Well, damn, I could've brought both y'all in. Why didn't you find a way to tell us you were out here?

ROSE: Because we're retired.

[Bernard nods.]

[At Rose and Bernard's cabin, Sawyer examines a can of DHARMA food.]

SAWYER: So y'all been scavenging food and living out in a hut by yourselves.

ROSE: People try their whole lives to get themselves a nice, quiet place near the ocean where they can live in peace. And we did it. That's what we made for ourselves.

SAWYER: Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but... your condo's about to go ka-blooey.

KATE: Jack has a bomb.

ROSE: Who cares?

KATE: Excuse me?

ROSE: It's always something with you people. Now you say Jack's got a bomb. And what, you guys are all gonna try to stop him, right?

JULIET: Yeah, that's right.

ROSE: We traveled back 30 years in time, and you're still trying to find ways to shoot each other?

JULIET: Rose, we just need to know which way the DHARMA Barracks are from here so we can stop Jack, or you're gonna be dead. We all will.

BERNARD: So we die. We just care about being together. That's all that matters in the end.

[Juliet looks at Sawyer, who is looking at Kate.]

ROSE: [pointing] The Barracks are 5 miles that way.

SAWYER: Bernard. [They shake hands]

BERNARD: Sawyer.

SAWYER: Rose. [Shaking her hand]

ROSE: Thank you.

SAWYER: Let's go.


[They all leave.]

BERNARD: You sure you don't want some tea?

[Juliet turns around.]

JULIET: Maybe another time.

[She leaves.]

[2007 - Ilana leads her group through the jungle.]

LAPIDUS: I wish you'd never showed me what was in this damn box. What the hell you gonna do with it anyway?

BRAM: We need to show it to somebody.

LAPIDUS: What for?

BRAM: So they'll know what they're up against.

LAPIUS: What exactly are they up against?

BRAM: Something a hell of a lot scarier than what's in this box, Frank. Don't worry, though. As long as you're with us, you're fine.

LAPIDUS: That'd be reassuring if I knew who you were, "friend".

BRAM: We are the good guys.

LAPIDUS: In my experience, the people who go out of their way to tell you that the good guys are the bad guys.

ILANA: We're here.

[They arrive at the cabin. Ilana begins cross the line of ash when Bram notices it has been broken.]

BRAM: Look at the ash!

ILANA: Wait here.

[Holding her rifle, she starts walking to the cabin.]

[Flashback - An eye opens and peers out from behind bandages. Russian voices are heard. A nurse pushes a trolley and takes a tray with a drink on it over to Ilana.]

NURSE: (in Russian) How are you feeling? Are you thirsty?

[The nurse puts a straw to Ilana's badly burned lips, and she sips the drink.]

NURSE: (in Russian) There's someone here to see you. I explained your condition... but he insisted on seeing you anyway. You've had no visitors. It will be good for you.

[The nurse leaves. A man wearing a long black coat and black gloves moves a chair closer to Ilana's bed. It's Jacob. He sits.]

JACOB: (in Russian) I'm sorry I couldn't make it sooner.

ILANA: (in Russian) I'm very happy to see you...

JACOB: I'm here because I need your help. Can you do that? Will you help me, Ilana?


[On-Island, 2007 - The door creaks as Ilana enters the cabin. Looking around, she sees no one. She notices a blade stuck into a wall, pinning a piece of cloth to it. She sets her rifle down and unpins the cloth, then examines it. She leaves the cabin.]

BRAM: What happened?

ILANA: He isn't there, hasn't been in a long time. Someone else has been using it. [Shouting to her team] Burn it!

LAPIDUS: I'm no tree hugger or anything, but that's a pretty good way to torch the whole jungle, don't you think?

[Her team light bottles and throw them into the cabin.]

BRAM: So what now?

[Ilana hands Bram the tapestry fragment.]

BRAM: Well, I guess we know where we're going.

[The fire ravages the cabin. Ilana and her team move out with the crate.]


Act 6

[Flashback - Jacob sits on a bench, reading Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor. Suddenly, a man falls to the ground behind him -- John Locke. People rush to see what happened. Jacob stands, and walks over.]

WOMAN: Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Call 9-1-1!

[Jacob kneels beside the unconscious Locke and places a hand on his shoulder. John seems to come back to life.]

JACOB: Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright. I'm sorry this happened to you. [he gets up and leaves]

[On-Island, 2007 - Meanwhile, Locke's group continues up the beach. They arrive at the remains of the beach camp, which are abandoned and in disarray.]

SUN: This is our old camp.

LOCKE: Home sweet home. [to all] Alright, everyone! Richard tells me we should get to where we're going by nightfall. So why don't you all take this opportunity to rest up and catch your breath. Considering what I have planned for you, you're gonna need it. [Locke walks over to a sitting Ben.] Everything alright?

BEN: I was enjoying some alone time.

LOCKE: You see what's behind you?

[Ben turns to see the hatch door embedded in the sand.]

BEN: It's a door. How about that?

LOCKE: Not just a door, Ben. It's the door to the hatch. Where you and I first met. [Ben looks at him, then looks away.] Do you mind if I ask you a question?

BEN: I'm a Pisces.

LOCKE: What happened that day at the cabin? When you first took me to meet Jacob?

BEN: Well, you clearly already know that I was talking to an empty chair, John. That I was pretending. Which is not to say that I wasn't as surprised as you were when things started flying around the room.

LOCKE: But why would go to all the trouble to make something like that up?

BEN: I was embarrassed. I didn't want you to know that I had never seen Jacob. So yes, I lied. That's what I do.

LOCKE: Alright, then.

[Locke starts to leave.]

BEN: Why do you want me to kill Jacob, John?

LOCKE: Because, despite your loyal service to this Island, you got cancer. You had to watch your own daughter gunned down right in front of you. And your reward for those sacrifices? You were banished. And you did all this in the name of a man you'd never even met. So the question is, Ben, why the hell wouldn't you want to kill Jacob?

[Locke leaves. Meanwhile, Sun walks around the beach and find's Charlie's ring next to Aaron's crib.]

[Flashback - At Sun and Jin's wedding.]

SUN: (in Korean) I have loved you since the day we first met. I'll love the man you will become as we spend our lives together. With this ring, I make my promises.

JIN: (in Korean) I wrote mine down. We will never be apart, because being apart would be like the sky being apart from the earth. With this ring, I make my promises.

[Later, at the reception.]

SUN: (in Korean) Auntie!

AUNTIE: (in Korean) So when are you going to start a family?

SUN: (in Korean) Maybe on our honeymoon.

[Next in line is Jacob.]

JACOB (in Korean) : I'd like to offer you my blessing. Your love is a very special thing. Never take it for granted.

[Jacob leaves.]

SUN: (in Korean) Who was that?

JIN: (in Korean) I don't know, but his Korean is excellent.

[On-Island, 1977 - The DHARMA bus speeds through the jungle.]

JACK: How much further?

HURLEY: Uhh...we're about five minutes away!

SAYID: [to Jack] You can't stop the bleeding.

JACK: [to Jin] I need fresh dressings.

MILES: Jack! So this bomb is supposed to what, blow us back in time?

JACK: We're not going back in time.

MILES: Right, because that would be ridiculous!

SAYID: I need to modify the bomb. I can make it so it detonates on impact. Jack, we need to be there at the moment of the Incident, or all this will be for nothing.

[The van slams to a halt.]

JACK: Why the hell are we stopping?

HURLEY: That's why.

[Sawyer, Kate, and Juliet are standing in front of the bus.]

source : lostpedia

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