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#310 : Chance et malchance

Titre VO : Tricia Tanaka is Dead
Titre VF : Chance et malchance
Centric sur : Hurley
Diffusion USA : 28/02/07
Diffusion France : 30/07/07
Guest Stars : Mira Furlan (Danielle Rousseau), Cheech Marin (David Reyes), Lilian Hurst (Carmen Reyes), Billy Ray Gallion (Randy), Caden Waidyatilleka (Hurley jeune), Suzanne Krull (Lynn Karnoff), Sung Hi Lee (Tricia Tanaka)

Résumé court :

Kate et Sawyer sont de retour sur la plage. Alors que Sawyer aide Hurley, Charlie et Jin à faire démarrer une camionette trouvée dans la jungle, Kate part à la recherche de Rousseau pour sauver Jack.


4.67 - 6 votes

Plus de détails

Hurley raconte les derniers évènements devant la tombe de Libby, il finit par pleurer en disant qu'elle lui manque. Il trouve ensuite Charlie, l'air déprimé. Charlie lui raconte ce que Desmond lui a appris : qu'il allait mourir. Hurley pense immédiatement à la malédiction des nombres et est persuadé que si Charlie meurt, ce sera de sa faute. Vince, le chien de Walt arrive avec dans sa gueule un bras d'homme, tenant une clé. Hurley décide de suivre Vince dans la jungle et se retrouve devant une camionette renversée, portant le logo Dharma. Hurley va alors chercher de l'aide sur la plage, il veut à tout prix essayer de faire démarrer la voiture mais personne ne semble intéressé par cette idée. Seul Jin, qui n'a pas compris de ce qu'Hurley a dit, est volontaire. 

Kate et Sawyer sont tout proches de la plage. Avant de rejoindre les autres, Kate dit à Sawyer qu'il n'a qu'à lui dire qu'il est désolé pour qu'ils peuvent faire table rase et repartir sur de bonnes bases. Sawyer estime ne pas avoir à être désolé, ce qui déçoit Kate, qui réalise alors que leur relation va redevenir comme avant. 
En arrivant sur la plage, Sawyer découvre que toutes ses affaires ont disparu ; fou de rage, il va demander des comptes à Hurley qui est avec Jin près de la camionette. Sa colère est vite calmée par l'accueil chaleureux de Jin et Hurley, d'autant plus que la camionette est remplie de canettes de bière. 

Sayid et Locke demandent des informations à Kate à propos de Jack et les Autres. Kate leur annonce qu'elle part dans la jungle pour chercher de l’aide, elle veut sauver Jack.
Même sur ses roues, la camionette ne démarre pas. Hurley tient à la faire démarrer pour retrouver l'espoir que les choses vont s'améliorer, il va sur la plage pour trouver Charlie.  Charlie est de nouveau en train de déprimer, Hurley le bouscule un peu pour le faire réagir. Il lui propose de défier la mort pour changer leur destin. 

Hurley expose à Jin, Sawyer et Charlie son plan. Il veut qu'ils poussent la camionette dans un ravin pour donner de la vitesse afin qu'elle puisse démarrer. Charlie décide qu'il sera le copilote d'Hurley. Sawyer et Jin tentent de les en dissuader, car ils risquent de s'écraser sur les rochers. Le plan fonctionne : la camionette démarre et tous les quatre sont totalement excités.
De retour sur la plage, Jin retrouve Sun, Charlie rejoint Claire, tandis que Sawyer cherche des yeux Kate. Celle-ci étant partie dans la jungle, il se retrouve tout seul avec sa bière.

Kate est rejointe par Sayid et Locke. Des coups de feu retentissent : il s'agit de Rousseau. Kate lui demande son aide pour trouver les Autres. Pour la convaincre de l'aider, Kate lui explique qu'elle a réussi à s'échapper grâce à une jeune fille de 16 ans prénommée Alex, et qu'elle est persuadée qu'il s'agit de sa fille.

Flash-backs : Hurley, âgé d'une dizaine d’années, s'apprête à aider son père à réparer une voiture. Son père lui demande alors d'essayer de la faire démarrer avant même d'avoir commencé les réparations. Hurley trouve l'idée stupide, mais son père lui explique qu'il faut garder l'espoir, que c'est très important de toujours y croire. Puis il lui annonce qu'il a trouvé un travail à Las Vegas et qu'il doit partir pour quelques temps.
Dix-sept ans plus tard, Hurley qui a gagné au loto, est interviewé par la télé locale. Il vient de racheter le fast food où il travaillait mais semble mal à l'aise avec la journaliste Tricia Tanaka. Toujours hanté par la malédiction des nombres, Hurley craint pour la sécurité de Tricia si elle entre dans le fast food. L'équipe de tournage décide quand même d'entrer, juste avant qu'une météorite s'écrase sur le fast food. Ils meurent tous sur le coup. Hurley décide alors de partir pour l'Australie pour inverser la malédiction.


[We see a boy arrange some tools on the ground near a car up on blocks. He opens the hood, and we see a man, David, approach carrying a duffel bag.]

DAVID: You got that thing running yet, buddy?

YOUNG HURLEY: Naw, but I got your tools all set.

DAVID: Let's see if we can get this thing started, okay?

YOUNG HURLEY: I thought we needed a new carburetor?

DAVID: Well, maybe we don't. Come on, slide behind the wheel. Let's fire this up.

[They get in and he hands the keys to a reluctant Hurley.]

DAVID: What's the matter? Go ahead.

[Hurley closes his eyes and silently prays as he puts the key in the ignition. He turns the key, but it doesn't start.]

YOUNG HURLEY: It's stupid. Without a new carburetor it's not going to work.

DAVID: Having hope is never stupid. You've got to believe good things will happen and then they will. You understand what I'm saying? [Hurley nods] In this world, son, you've got to make your own luck. Alright, come on.

YOUNG HURLEY: [getting out of the car] Well, what do you want to fix today?

DAVID: [sighing] We're going to have to put that on hold for a little while because, um, I've got to go to Vegas. You know, I've got some work out there.

YOUNG HURLEY: What about the road trip?

DAVID: The Grand Canyon will still be there when I get back, little dude. Hey, I've got something for you. [he hands him a candy bar]

YOUNG HURLEY: Um, I'm not supposed to, mom says.

DAVID: Live a little, Hugo. It's just a candy bar. [he grabs his duffel bag] Alright, I'll be back before you know it. Hold down the fort? You're my man? Alright.

[Hurley starts eating the candy bar while watching his father ride away on his motorcycle. Hurley's mom watches from a window.]

[Back on the island, we see Hurley looking sad.]

HURLEY: So then, the Others take the bags off our heads and we're, like, on the other side of the island. And they take Jack, Kate and Sawyer someplace and they sent me back to warn everyone to stay away. Which I did. And now everyone's freaked out. With them gone -- and what happened to Eko -- they're all scared. And I'm scared. But then, I've been scared most of my time here anyway, except when I'm with you. I miss you, Libby.

[Hurley places a flower at Libby's grave. Cut to Charlie shaving, and cutting himself.]

CHARLIE: Bloody hell.

HURLEY: Dude, you okay?

CHARLIE: Peachy.

HURLEY: Really? Because you've kind of been moping...

CHARLIE: Look, it's not worth talking about, Hurley. Okay?

HURLEY: You can tell me anything.

CHARLIE: Desmond told me I was going to die. He told me has these flashes -- visions, whatever -- and in them I always die. [Hurley doesn't respond] So this is the part where you tell me it is ridiculous, don't be daft, he's a nutter.

HURLEY: I think he might be right. And I think it might be my fault.

CHARLIE: Your fault?

HURLEY: I'm kind of cursed. Death finds me, dude.

[Suddenly Vincent runs up carrying a mummified arm in his jaws. A key and rabbit's foot dangle from the hand.]

CHARLIE: Vincent? Is that an arm?

HURLEY: Here, Vincent. Come here. [to Charlie] I think we need to get that.

CHARLIE: Yeah, chase the dog with the skeletal arm into the creepy jungle. You be my guest.

HURLEY: Okay, if I'm not back in 3 hours tell somebody.

[Hurley takes off running after Vincent.]

HURLEY: Vincent! Vincent, come here. Vincent.

[Hurley stops. Vincent shows up, drops the arm at his feet, and takes off again. Hurley grabs the key, and Vincent barks getting Hurley to follow. Hurley comes upon an old VW van turned on its side and overgrown with plants.]

HURLEY: Awesome.



[Hurley is being interviewed by a news crew outside a Mr. Clucks.]

TRICIA: It's everyone's fantasy -- winning the lottery -- untold millions falling into your lap overnight. What would you do with all that money? Well, one such lucky winner recently bought a chicken shack. I'm Tricia Tanaka with Hugo Reyes, winner of a record 114 million dollars, outside Mr. Clucks Chicken in Diamond Bar which will be having its grand re-opening tomorrow. So, Hugo, I think the question on everyone's mind is: why did you buy Mr. Clucks?

HURLEY: [nervous] Uh, I like chicken.

TRICIA: Um, also with us is Hugo's former boss, and now employee, Randy Nation. That's probably every working stiff's fantasy, isn't it, Mr. Reyes? [Hurley just shrugs] Um, okay, so, Hugo, tell us what else you've done since you got on your lucky streak?

HURLEY: Actually, I've kind of had some bad luck, too. My grandpa Tito died of a heart attack and the first house I bought my mom burnt down. My friend Johnny ran off with my girlfriend, Starla. Oh, and this guy jumped off my accountant's roof.

TRICIA: Cut! [to Hurley] What the hell was that?! It's a puff piece, Mr. Reyes, do you know what that is?

HURLEY: Yeah. Sorry, Tricia Tanaka.

TRICIA: Um, do you mind if we go inside and shoot some B-roll?

HURLEY: Oh, I don't know.

RANDY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course you can. He's just superstitious. You know, the ribbon isn't cut yet.

TRICIA: [to cameraman] Okay, let's go. Ugh, god I hate this.

HURLEY: [to Randy] Hey, you sure it's okay?

RANDY: Yeah, relax.

HURLEY: The safety guards are on the fryers?

RANDY: Those fryers are stone cold, alright? We don't even start cooking until tomorrow.

HURLEY: Do you hear something?

[We hear a sound like a missile in the background. Cut to Tricia and cameraman inside.]

TRICIA: And then pan through the...

[She stops when she hears the sound. Hurley and Randy look up in disbelief as a meteor crashes into the restaurant.]

[Back on the island, Hurley examines the van and finds the body the arm belonged to. It's wearing a DHARMA jumpsuit with Swan logo. Written under the logo is: Roger; and on a second line: Work Man.]

[Cut to Paulo and others at the beach "kitchen".]

PAULO: Well, we are out of DHARMA Oat Bars.

NIKKI: Already?


NIKKI: Did you check behind the powdered milk?

PAULO: Yes, it's not there.

[Camera pans to Sun and Jin at the table.]

SUN: Would you pass me the box of cereal? [Jin looks confused] Would you pass me the box of cereal?

JIN: [speaks in Korean]

SUN: From now on I will only speak to you in English. It's how you will learn.

JIN: [speaks in Korean]

SUN: It will be hard at first.

JIN: [annoyed] [speaks in Korean]

[Hurley runs into camp and is quite winded.]

HURLEY: Hey! Hey! Hey everyone! Hey!!

CLAIRE: Hurley, what is it?

PAULO: Is he jogging?

CLAIRE: Hurley, are you okay?

PAULO: Wait, hold on, man.

HURLEY: [triumphantly] Car! I found a car tipped over in the jungle.

NIKKI: You found a car?

HURLEY: And we could totally fix it and get it going again. It's not far, come on.

PAULO: Why do we need to start a car?

HURLEY: Because it'll be fun. [everyone looks sort of embarrassed for Hurley] We could all use some fun. I mean, after everything's that happened we need it. [he looks at Charlie] Especially you, dude. So who's with me?!!

PAULO: Well, I've got to cut some bananas. Sorry.

CHARLIE: I don't think so, Hurley.

HURLEY: Come on. Anyone. We're going to drive it! Who's coming?!

[Everyone walks away except Jin. Hurley walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder.]

HURLEY: Thanks, dude. [Hurley laughs] You have no idea what you volunteered for, do you? [Jin laughs] Come on.

[Cut to Kate and Sawyer walking in the jungle.]

SAWYER: Are we there yet?

KATE: If we are where I think we are then our beach should be just through those trees. We'll be home in about 5 minutes.

SAWYER: Try to contain your excitement, Freckles.

KATE: Forgive me if I'm not excited about explaining why there's only 2 of us coming back, James.

SAWYER: Maybe they should explain why they ain't come looking for us. In fact, I'd be surprised if Locke... [Sawyer steps on a dart] Ow, ow, ow.

KATE: What happened?

SAWYER: I stepped on something. Son-of-a-bitch!

KATE: Looks like a dart.

SAWYER: How the hell did it get out here?

KATE: Alright, just relax your foot for a second, okay? I'm going to pull it out. On the count of 3. Ready? 1 -- [she pulls it out].

SAWYER: Ow!!! I thought you said "3"?

KATE: Yeah, well, anticipation's the worst part. I thought I would spare you. [she sits next to him and they share a long look] You know, all you have to do is say sorry. You could start again -- give each other a clean slate.

SAWYER: [sighing] Slate. Like on Little House?

KATE: What?

SAWYER: Little House on the Prairie? Laura Engles used to write on this little chalkboard at school.

KATE: [laughing] You call it Little House?

SAWYER: I had mono when I was a kid -- missed 2 months of school -- we only got one channel in my trailer.

KATE: What are we even talking about?

SAWYER: [quietly] We ain't talking about nothing. [he starts to exit]

KATE: James?

SAWYER: And I ain't got nothing to be sorry for.

KATE: So that's how it's going to be? Welcome home, Sawyer. [she walks off]

SAWYER: Welcome home, Kate.

[Scene switches to Kate and Sawyer arriving at the beach and everyone happily greeting them, even as they keep their distance from each other.]



[We see Hurley, still covered in dust from the Mr. Clucks disaster. He enters a huge formal home as his mother, Carmen, calls to him.]

CARMEN: Hugo! Hugo, is that you? Oh my god, what happened?

HURLEY: Tricia Tanaka is dead.


HURLEY: Mr. Clucks got hit by a meteor, or an asteroid. I don't know the difference but it's gone.

CARMEN: That's crazy.

HURLEY: It's not crazy. It's the lottery money, the numbers, I'm cursed. And now Tricia Tanaka's dead, and her camera dude, and it's all my fault. [Carmen slaps him hard across the face] Ow!!

CARMEN: It was an accident.

HURLEY: It's not an accident. It is a curse. There's only one way to stop it. I have to go to Australia.

CARMEN: Again with Australia.

HURLEY: That's where the numbers came from. Lenny, in the institution, he told me.

CARMEN: Hugo, Hugo wait. I can prove to you you're not cursed.

HURLEY: You can?

CARMEN: Yes. Come here with me. I have to show you something.

[She leads him away and we see his father, David, enter.]

DAVID: Hey, Hugo!

CARMEN: After 17 years your father has returned.

DAVID: [sizing Hurley up] Hey, your mom wasn't kidding about those candy bars. [he laughs] Just kidding.

[Back on the island Hurley and Jin look at Roger in the van.]

HURLEY: Poor, Roger. Sorry about your arm, dude.

JIN: [at the back of the van] Hurley [then speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: [opening the back] Let's check it out.

[Inside there's a pile of DHARMA beer.]

HURLEY: Roger was on a beer run.

JIN: [gesturing at the van] [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: I suck at charades. You want to what?

JIN: [gesturing] [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: Oh, you want to take Roger out? [Jin continues gesturing] And turn it over. [yelling to Jin] I understand!

[Hurley and Jin position themselves so they can take Roger out of the van.]

HURLEY: Okay, on 3. 1-2-3.

[They pull him out, but his skull breaks off in the process.]

HURLEY: We'll get that later.

[Cut to Desmond arranging his tarp. Charlie approaches.]

CHARLIE: So, when's it going to happen?

DESMOND: When's what going to happen?

CHARLIE: Don't play stupid with me, brother.

DESMOND: I was drunk. Now if I said anything...

CHARLIE: I have a right to when I'm going to die.

DESMOND: It doesn't work like that.

CHARLIE: What doesn't work like that?

SAWYER: [entering] Hey, Oliver Twist, where the hell's my stuff?

CHARLIE: What stuff?

SAWYER: Oh, you know good and damn well what stuff! I had books, food, porno, a bottle of scotch.

DESMOND: Aye, apologies for the scotch, mate.

SAWYER: You drank it?!

DESMOND: Well, to be fair there was -- there was 3 of us.

CHARLIE: Yeah, there was.

SAWYER: You, the Munchkin, and who else?

[Cut to Hurley and Jin with long poles to use as levers to tip the van.]

JIN: [placing his pole under the van] [Speaks in Korean]


JIN: [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: Oh, I got it. You're going to tip it up. Crafty.

JIN: Crafty?

HURLEY: Yeah, crafty. It's like, when you're good at -- crafts. Nevermind.

SAWYER: [entering] Hey, where the hell's my stuff? [he notices the van] What are you all doing?

HURLEY: [running to hug him] Dude! You're alive!! You're alive.

SAWYER: [chuckling] Yeah, yeah, Snuffy. Good to see you, too. I'll be damned, you all found yourselves a hippy car.

HURLEY: Pretty cool, huh?

JIN: [reaching for a hug] Sawyer.

SAWYER: Jin-bo. How are you going?

JIN: Good see you.

SAWYER: Well, look at that. Somebody's hooked on phonics.

HURLEY: What about Jack and Kate? Are they with you? Are they alright?

SAWYER: Kate's with me, but the Doc -- they've still got him.

HURLEY: Okay. It's okay. It's going to be alright. Jack's going to be alright. We all are.

SAWYER: Well, what a relief.

HURLEY: Naw, see, things are getting better. The car, you coming back safely -- it's a sign.

SAWYER: Yeah, a sign I want my stuff back.

HURLEY: Uh-uh. You're going to help us fix this thing.

SAWYER: Now why would I do that?

HURLEY: Because there's beer.

[Scene switches to Locke, Sayid and Kate walking on the beach.]

SAYID: Why did he say "don't come back?"

KATE: He sacrificed himself so we could escape. He probably didn't want it to be for nothing.

SAYID: Hurley told us they released Michael and Walt.

KATE: Yep. They gave Michael a boat. He took off and never looked back.

SAYID: Did you see any other boats?

KATE: No, but something tells me they didn't give away their only one.

LOCKE: So they can leave the island?

KATE: I don't know, John.

SAYID: This zoo where they held you, is that where they live?

KATE: [shaking her head] We escaped with one of them -- a kid named Karl -- he says that they live on this island. He could have taken us there but Sawyer let him go.


KATE: You're going to have to ask Sawyer. [she starts to walk off]

SAYID: Kate, where are you going?

KATE: I don't care what Jack said. They've got him and we've got to get him back. I owe him that. I'm going to get help.

LOCKE: Help from who?



[We see a close-up of a golden statuette of Jesus. The camera pulls back to reveal the Reyes family at the dinner table being served by two butlers.]

DAVID: Now, that's a hell of a Jesus.

CARMEN: Yes, Hugo's such a good son. He knows of my love for the savior, so he commissioned artisans in Taxco to custom carve for me this statue in solid gold.

DAVID: Ah, that smells like great lasagna.

CARMEN: The Tranhs made it themselves. Hugo found them in Bennigans. Now they are our butlers.

[Hurley is just sitting dejectedly, staring at his plate.]

DAVID: Something wrong, Hugo?

CARMEN: Your father asked you a question, Hugo.

HURLEY: My father? You're acting like he never left us -- like he hasn't been gone for 17 years. And all the sudden he shows up? Are you at least a little suspicious?

DAVID: I showed up because your mom and said you were in trouble.

HURLEY: What?!

CARMEN: All those numbers and curses. Hugo, I don't know what to do anymore. I thought you needed a manly influence, a father, to get you stop this nonsense.

HURLEY: I'm not crazy. And the only reason he's back is because he wants the money.

DAVID: Well, now that hurts.

HURLEY: Well, guess what? There isn't going to be any money. Mr. Tranh? Lady Tranh? Your services will no longer be needed. [he tosses a wad of money toward them] Severance. Trust me, I'm doing you a huge favor. It's only a matter of time before the curse gets you, and you die, or worse.

CARMEN: Hugo, what are you doing?

HURLEY: Getting rid of it. All of it -- the money, the houses, the livestock -- and I'm starting with him.

CARMEN: No, Hugo. Your father is staying with us.

HURLEY: He's staying with us? Where?

CARMEN: It's been 17 years, Hugo.

HURLEY: What's been 17 years?

CARMEN: I have needs.

HURLEY: [covering his ears and yelling] No! No! No! This can't be happening. He has to go! He has to. I want him gone!

CARMEN: No you don't.

HURLEY: Yeah, I do.

CARMEN: Why don't you go show your father what you have in the garage? Hugo?

[Cut to Hurley and David in the garage with the old Camaro.]

DAVID: I can't believe it. You saved it. You saved it.

[Back on the island Hurley, Jin and Sawyer tip the van up. Sawyer opens the side door, and Vincent butts in.]

SAWYER: [to Vincent] Me first, now, come on.

[We see a shot of a large pile of crumpled papers.]

SAWYER: What the hell is up with all this recycling?

HURLEY: You got me, dude.

[Jin opens the engine compartment. Sawyer finds a map.]

SAWYER: Looks like those DHARMA freaks were building some sort of dirt road. [he sees the beer] Woo, now we're talking.

JIN: [looking at the engine overgrown with ivy] [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: Looks good to me. Engine's fine, right?

SAWYER: [surprised] Son-of-a -- what's a head doing back here?

HURLEY: Oh, that's just Roger. [loudly to Jin] I'm going to start the car now.

JIN: [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: Dude, even if you were speaking English, I wouldn't understand a word you were saying. Just relax; we're good. This'll work.

[Sawyer grabs the beer out of the van, as Hurley gets into the driver's seat.]

HURLEY: I have hope. This will work.

[He closes his eyes and turns the key, but nothing happens.]

HURLEY: [softly] Damn it.

[Cut to Sawyer opening a beer. Jin is working on the engine in the background with Hurley standing over him.]

SAWYER: [smelling the beer] Hoh, it's flat and it stinks.

HURLEY: [to Jin] Can you get it to work? Do you know what's wrong?

SAWYER: Chill out; let the man do his thing.

HURLEY: Dude, that beer's been sitting there since before Rocky III, maybe even II. It's probably poison by now.

SAWYER: [pointing at Roger] Skeletor seems to like it. [Sawyer clinks the beer can on Roger's skull] Bottoms up.

HURLEY: That's not cool, dude. That guy had a mom, a family, and friends. Oh, and a name, [unintelligible] it's Roger Workman.

SAWYER: It's Work Man, you blockhead. That's his job. He was a DHARMA janitor.

HURLEY: Yeah, well you should still respect the dead.

JIN: [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, can you fix it?

JIN: No. No fix.

HURLEY: But you have to! Can't you try, dude? I mean, we've got to get this thing running.

SAWYER: Leave the man alone. He's right, "no fix." Take a look at that mess -- no way it's going to get running. How thick are you?

HURLEY: What's your problem, man? Why do you don't want this to work?

SAWYER: I don't care if it works. Why is it so important to you?

HURLEY: Because we could all use a little hope.

SAWYER: If it's hope you're looking for ese, you're on the wrong damn island. There sure as hell ain't no hope here.



[We see Hurley in bed asleep and David enters to wake him up.]

DAVID: Rise and shine; hit the deck. We're burning daylight; let's go. [Hurley moans grumpily] What's with the earphones?

HURLEY: It's for the noise.

DAVID: Well, your mother's a very passionate woman.

HURLEY: That is disgusting.

DAVID: Come on, we're going on an adventure. Let's go.

HURLEY: I'm not going anywhere with you.

DAVID: Come on, just do this one thing with me. If it doesn't work, you can go to Australia. I won't stop you, okay?

HURLEY: What "one thing?"

DAVID: We're going to break the curse.

[Scene switches to David and Hurley in a psychic, Lynn Karnoff's, office.]

HURLEY: This is stupid.

DAVID: Just give it a chance, man.

LYNN: [setting a tarot deck on the table] Cut the deck please. [flipping the first card] You've recently come into a great deal of money.

HURLEY: You could have seen that on the news.

LYNN: [flipping second card] But it hasn't brought you happiness. No, it's brought you great misfortune.

DAVID: She didn't see that on the news.

LYNN: I'm seeing numbers.

HURLEY: What numbers?

LYNN: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. There's darkness around these numbers. Great tragedy. [she flips the third card, Death] I'm sorry.

HURLEY: Why? What is it?

LYNN: Death surrounds you; and more is coming. Your hands, please. There's a curse on you. But it can be removed. [she starts toward another room] Now, Hugo, I need you to remove your clothes.

HURLEY: My clothes?

LYNN: [carrying a large pot] A curse is like an unwelcome entity that lives inside you. And it must be exercised.

HURLEY: Did my dad put you up to this?

LYNN: What?

DAVID: Hugo, please.

HURLEY: I'll give you a thousand dollars right now if admit that my dad told you to say this stuff.

LYNN: The mystic arts are not subject to bribes. How dare you...

HURLEY: 10,000.

LYNN: Your dad put me up to it.

DAVID: I was just trying to help.

HURLEY: Help who?

[Back on the island we see Hurley praying as Jin and Sawyer talk.]


JIN: Beer.

SAWYER: Bingo. Beautiful. [tapping the van] Car.

JIN: Car.

SAWYER: [pointing to Hurley] International House of Pancakes. [to Hurley] What are you doing over there?

HURLEY: I'm praying.

SAWYER: Praying for what?


SAWYER: Well, hell, I've got you a little help right here.

[Sawyer tosses a can of beer in Hurley's direction and Hurley watches it roll down a hill.]

[Cut to Hurley approaching Charlie at the beach.]

HURLEY: Dude. Hey, dude, stop moping. Come on.

CHARLIE: Not moping -- thinking.

HURLEY: Oh. When people stare out at the ocean and get all quiet-like? They're moping. So get up and come with me. That car I found? We're getting it running.

CHARLIE: What's the point? [Hurley slaps Charlie across the face] Ow! What did you do that for?

HURLEY: Snap out of it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself because someone said you're going to die. I've got an idea that's going to help us both. Now, it is dangerous. And there's a very good chance that you will die.

CHARLIE: That's supposed to convince me to come with you?

HURLEY: It is. Because if you don't die, then we win.


HURLEY: Look, I don't know about you, but things have really sucked for me lately and I could use a victory. So let's get one, dude. Let's get this car started. Let's look death in the face and say, "whatever, man." Let's make our own luck. What do you say?

[Scene switches to Sawyer and Jin at the van.]

SAWYER: I'm sorry.

JIN: I'm sorry.

SAWYER: Okay, nice. Keep it coming.

JIN: You were right.

SAWYER: Okay. That's two. Hit me.

JIN: Those pants don't make you look fat.

SAWYER: Now you got it -- only 3 things a woman needs to hear.

HURLEY: [entering] Come on. Get up; we've got work to do.

SAWYER: What's your problem, Jumbotron.

HURLEY: Shut up! Red -- neck -- man.

SAWYER: Touché. [Charlie enters] What is Jiminy Cricket doing here?

HURLEY: We need another man.

SAWYER: Another man for what?

HURLEY: To push this car, dude.

SAWYER: Push it? Push it where?

[They push the van to the edge of a fairly steep hill.]

SAWYER: Oh, this is going to be real good.



[We see Hurley packing as David enters.]

DAVID: So, you're going to Australia, huh? [Hurley doesn't respond] Long way to go because of some stupid numbers.

HURLEY: I'd really like you to leave.

DAVID: When your mom called me about the lottery I was on my bike before she could hang the phone up. I'm getting old. Yeah, I saw my retirement. You're right. I'm here for the money.

HURLEY: Well, you're not getting any of it.

DAVID: That's not why I'm here talking to you now. I'm here talking to you now because going to Australia's not going to break any curse. You don't need to leave. You just -- you need a little hope. We make our own luck, Hugo. You know what I think you should do?


DAVID: I think you should give away the money. All of it, every penny. Just save enough for a new carburetor -- work on the Camaro -- you know, just you and me -- take it off the blocks and make that road trip to the Grand Canyon. Never too late for a fresh start.

HURLEY: I'll send you a postcard from Sydney. [he starts to exit]

DAVID: Hey, I'll -- I'll be here when you get back.

[Back on the island, we see a shot down into a valley.]

SAWYER: Are you nuts? You're not going to drive down that.

HURLEY: We're going to jumpstart it. You guys are going to push it. And then on the way down I'm going to pop the clutch and get it started.

SAWYER: You see those rocks? All you're going to do is crash into those real fast. If you don't roll over first.

JIN: Hurley, no.

HURLEY: Dude, I know how to drive. Now come on, just push me. This'll work; I know it.

SAWYER: [to Charlie] What are you out here for -- watch him crash and burn?

CHARLIE: Came to ride shotgun.

SAWYER: Well, it's your funeral. [to Jin] Come on, let's give 'em their ride.

HURLEY: [to Charlie] Are you sure you want to do this?

CHARLIE: Victory or death.


[They push the van down the slope and it bounces along picking up speed.]

HURLEY: Oh, jeez.

CHARLIE: Careful now. [they get closer to the boulders] Now would be a good time, Hurley. Like right now!

HURLEY: There is no curse. You make your own luck.

CHARLIE: Hurley!

HURLEY: You make your own luck. There is no curse!

[He pops the clutch and the car starts. An old 8 track starts playing Shambala by Three Dog Night, as Charlie and Hurley laugh and whoop.]

SAWYER: Son-of-a-bitch.

JIN: Yeah!

[Sawyer and Jin and Vincent run down to meet them and they all have a joy ride.]

[Fade to a montage of Jin, Charlie and Sawyer returning to the beach. Jin gives Sun a white flower. Charlie talks to Claire. Sawyer carries the beer and wants to bring it to the "kitchen" and share, but can't bring himself to do it. Hurley sits contentedly in the van. Sawyer has a beer alone at his tent while wistfully watching the others.]

[We see Kate at night hiking with a torch. She finds some netting. Sayid and Locke enter.]

SAYID: Kate, if you were looking for help to find Jack why didn't you ask us?

KATE: Two reasons -- you don't know where to look and you're not motivated. And I don't blame you. Why would you want to go on another trek across the island, risk more lives just to get Jack back?

LOCKE: You're wrong.

KATE: Oh, really? Then why didn't you come after...

LOCKE: Not about the motivation, just about knowing where to look. We got a compass bearing, and I'm pretty sure if we follow it it'll lead us right to him.

KATE: How?

SAYID: Because of the way the sunlight hit Mr. Eko's stick when John was burying him.

LOCKE: So now you know our secret, how about you tell us yours?

[Suddenly there is gunfire, and Locke pulls his gun.]

KATE: No, no, no, don't shoot. Don't shoot. [calling out] It's alright! It's safe! We're just here to talk! You can come out!

[Danielle enters cautiously.]

DANIELLE: What are you doing here?

KATE: I came to ask for your help.

DANIELLE: To do what?

KATE: I'm heading to the Other's camp, and if I'm going to find it, I need someone who knows the island.

DANIELLE: What makes you think I have an interest in helping you?

KATE: Because they had me, and they would have never let me go -- probably would have killed me if I hadn't escaped. And the girl who helped me escape -- she was about 16 years old and her name was Alex. I'm pretty sure that she's your daughter.

Kikavu ?

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Imaginez. Quel autre acteur aurait pu incarner John Locke ?

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langedu74, Avant-hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Hier à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Hier à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Hier à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

Locksley, Hier à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

Viens chatter !