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#413 : Ceux qui restent (2ème partie)

Titre en VO :
There's no place like home (2ème partie)
Titre en VF : Ceux qui restent
Centric sur : Les six Océanic
Diffusion USA : 29/05/08
Diffusion France : 16/08/08
Guest Stars : Kevin Durand (Keamy), Anthony Azizi (Omar), Francois Chau (Dr. Marvin Candle), Alan Dale (Charles Widmore), John Terry (Christian Shephard), Sonya Walger (Penny Widmore), Jeff Fahey (Frank Lapidus), Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert), L. Scott Caldwell (Rose Henderson), Malcolm David Kelley (Walter "Walt" Lloyd) ,  Starletta DuPois (Mrs. Dawson)

Résumé court :

Ben va accomplir la mission que Jacob a dit de faire à Locke, déplacer l'île dans l'espace temps. Pendant ce temps à la plage, les rescapés auront des difficultés à retourner au cargo...

La confrontation entre les survivants et les membres du cargo se poursuit et les six Oceanic voient leur sauvetage proche. Mais sous leurs yeux, l'île disparaît !


4.71 - 7 votes

Titre VO
There's No Place Like Home, Part 2

Titre VF
Ceux qui restent (2ème partie)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


sneak-peek VO

sneak-peek VO


Plus de détails

Jack et Sawyer retrouvent Hurley dans la jungle. Ils sont devant la station Orchidée. Locke cherche toujours un moyen d’y entrer pour déplacer l’île. Après avoir tenté de convaincre Jack de rester sur l’île, Locke lui demande de mentir aux gens qui viendront le secourir lui et les autres survivants, il veut ainsi protéger l’île et ceux qui resteront.


Daniel continue les allers-retours entre la plage et le bateau avec le zodiac. Il demande à Miles et Charlotte d’être du prochain voyage mais tous les deux refusent pour rester sur l’île.


Desmond, Michael et Jin tentent de déconnecter la dynamite du détonateur sur le bateau mais ils comprennent très vite qu’il est impossible de faire quoi que ce soit sans risquer de faire tout exploser.


Kate et Sayid se sont fait surprendre par les Autres dans la jungle. Ils concluent un marché : Kate et Sayid les aident à récupérer Ben retenu par Keamy en échange de quoi ils seront libres de quitter l’île. Leur plan fonctionne, ce qui permet à Ben de rejoindre Locke à l’Orchidée. Locke découvre alors les sous-sols de la station dans laquelle l’Initiative Dharma faisait des expériences de voyage dans le temps. Ils sont interrompus par Keamy qui les prévient que s’ils le tuent, le détonateur réglé sur les battements de son cœur déclenchera la bombe située sur le bateau. Ben lui plante à plusieurs reprises un couteau dans la gorge, vengeant ainsi la mort d’Alex. Le détonateur se déclenche. Locke panique à l’idée que toutes les personnes sur le bateau vont mourir.


Jack, Sawyer et Hurley retrouvent Kate, Sayid et Lapidus devant l’hélicoptère. Kate est contente de revoir Sawyer mais remarque rapidement que Jack a l’air mal en point à cause de son appendicite et s’inquiète pour lui. Ils décollent et se dirigent vers le bateau. Au dessus de l’océan, Lapidus se rend compte que le réservoir de carburant fuit et qu’ils n’auront pas assez de fuel pour atteindre le bateau. Il propose de rejoindre la plage mais Jack est catégorique : il veut quitter l’île. Lapidus leur annonce qu’il faudrait larguer du poids pour continuer le vol. Sawyer se tourne vers Kate et lui chuchote quelques mots à l’oreille. Il l’embrasse ensuite avec passion avant de sauter à l’eau, permettant ainsi à l’hélicoptère de rejoindre le bateau. A leur arrivée, Desmond les prévient pour la bombe qui va exploser dans les prochaines minutes. Le temps de faire le plein, Lapidus décolle emmenant Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sayid, Desmond, Sun et Aaron. Sun demande où est Jin qui est resté avec Michael. Il arrive sur le pont trop tard, l’hélicoptère est déjà haut dans le ciel. Sun assiste impuissante à l’explosion du bateau qui tue Michael et Jin. Elle hurle de douleur.


Sawyer rejoint Juliet sur la plage. Elle a assisté à l’explosion du bateau.


Ben demande à Locke de rejoindre les Autres pour devenir leur chef tandis qu’il fera en sorte de déplacer l’île. Il lui explique que la personne qui déplacera l’île ne pourra pas revenir. Il descend encore plus bas et tourne une énorme manivelle. Un flash très lumineux inonde l’île qui disparaît de l’océan. Les passagers de l’hélicoptère assistent au spectacle, incrédules. Par manque de carburant, l’hélicoptère s’écrase dans l’océan. Les survivants se rejoignent dans le canot de sauvetage. Après plusieurs jours, ils croisent un bateau. Jack demande à tous de mentir sur les circonstances de leur survie, comme Locke lui a demandé. Ils montent à bord du bateau qui n’est autre que celui de Penelope. Desmond, en larmes, la serre dans ses bras.

Après avoir parcouru des milliers de kilomètres afin de s’éloigner le plus possible de l’île, les Oceanic Six se rassemblent dans un canot de sauvetage et rejoignent une plage où des habitants viennent les secourir.


Dans les flash-forwards, trois ans après que les Oceanic Six aient quitté l’île, Kate reproche à Jack d’avoir abandonné Aaron et de vouloir retourner sur l’île. Jack est complètement dépressif.

Walt rend visite à Hurley à l’asile. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi aucun des Oceanic Six n’est venu le voir et pourquoi tout le monde ment.

Sayid tue pour le compte de Ben et vient voir Hurley pour lui annoncer la mort de Jeremy. Il le prévient qu’il est surveillé et qu’il doit donc quitter l’asile pour se protéger. Ils partent tous les deux.

Sun se rend à Londres pour rencontrer Widmore. Elle se présente comme étant la fille de M. Paik et comme directrice générale de l’entreprise. Elle lui reproche ensuite de faire semblant de ne pas la reconnaître comme une des Oceanic Six. Elle lui conseille de l’appeler et lui rappelle qu’ils ne sont pas les seuls à avoir quitté l’île. Widmore prend un air intrigué et lui demande pourquoi elle veut l’aider.

Jack retourne au funérarium où se trouve le cercueil de Jeremy. Ben arrive et lui demande s’il savait qu’il avait lui aussi quitté l’île. Jack répond que Jeremy l’avait prévenu et qu’il lui a dit que de très mauvaises choses étaient arrivées sur l’île après son départ et que tout était de sa faute. Ben dit à Jack qu’il doit retourner sur l’île et qu’il doit emmener les autres avec lui. Jack se retourne vers le cadavre de Jeremy qui n’est autre que Locke.

"There's no place like home" Part 2 ~4x13~

Act 1

[Flash-forward - Kate's car speeds away from Jack outside the runway at the airport in Los Angeles at night. Suddenly, her tires skid as the car brakes to a stop, then speeds back toward Jack in reverse gear. Kate sighs, tear trickling down her face, before she starts in on Jack, who stands there at the fence beyond the runway.]

KATE: "We have to go back"? "We have to go back"?

JACK: Now hold on—

KATE: Who do you think you are?! You call me over and over again for two days straight, stoned on your pills! And then you show up here with an obituary for Jeremy Bentham. [Sighs] When he came to me and I heard what he had to say, I knew he was crazy. But you... You believed him.

JACK: Yes.

KATE: Him, of all people.

JACK: Yes, Kate, I did, because he said that that was the only way that I could keep you safe — you and Aaron.

[Kate slaps Jack.]

KATE: Don't you say his name. I still have to explain to him why you are not there to read to him, so don't you say his name!

JACK: I'm sorry.

KATE: I've spent the last three years trying to forget all the horrible things that happened on the day that we left. How dare you ask me to go back?

[Kate turns around and walks back to her car. She gets back in, shuts the door, and speeds off, leaving Jack standing there.]

[On-Island - Jack leads Sawyer through the jungle. Sawyer carries a rifle; Jack, a handgun.]

SAWYER: You sure we're going the right way?

JACK: Lapidus said they were headed northeast.

SAWYER: You might wanna slow down a little, 'cause you look like you're about to keel over, Doc.

JACK: I'm fine.

SAWYER: Of course you're fine. You're always fine—

[Jack stops Sawyer as they take in the dilapidated greenhouse in front of them. Most of its walls and roof have fallen in, and the jungle has had a big head start reclaiming the rest. They crouch down and observe quietly.]

SAWYER: Is this it?

JACK: I don't know.

SAWYER: So what's the plan, Sundance?

JACK: The plan is we wait til—

[They hear what sounds like a zipper zipping. They swing around, pointing their weapons toward the source of the sound, rustling branches. Through the foliage they see Hurley, apparently finishing up some business.]


HURLEY: Sawyer!

[Hurley zips up his pants.]

SAWYER: You all right?

HURLEY: Dude, you came back. How'd you know where I was?

[Hurley sees Jack a few feet behind Sawyer.]

JACK: It's good to see you, Hurley.

HURLEY: [Awkwardly] Yeah. Yeah, man. You, too.

JACK: So where the hell is he?

[Birds chirp as Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley hike up toward the greenhouse. Within, Jack sees Locke checking underneath overgrown shelves of plants.]

JACK: Locke!

[Locke turns around.]

LOCKE: Hello, Jack.

[The freighter Kahana motors through open water. Inside the armory, a green light shines on a radio receiver. Desmond examines the bomb it's connected to. Michael and Jin are with him.]

DESMOND: There's enough C-4 here to blow up a bloody aircraft carrier. When I was in the army... I did six months' explosive ordnance disposal, which, as the saying goes, is just enough time to learn how to blow yourself up.

MICHAEL: Is it on a timer? And why hasn't it gone off yet?

DESMOND: This is a—a radio receiver. It's... it's like a walkie-talkie. You send it a signal, and, uh... it--it triggers a bomb remotely.

JIN: So can we... turn off?

DESMOND: [Exhaling deeply through his lips] This is a... this is a trip wire. Move it, and... boom. This is dummy wiring. If you cut the wrong one... boom. This is multiple firing systems. You disable one, and the next one... boom. Uh, this... battery's the power source. If you disconnect it—

JIN: Boom.


Act 2

[In the greenhouse, Jack confronts Locke while Sawyer and Hurley stand idly behind.]

JACK: What are you doing in here?

LOCKE: There's a--a DHARMA station below us, and, um, I'm looking for a way to get in.

JACK: Get in and do what?

LOCKE: Hugo, James, would you mind if I spoke to Jack alone?

[Hurley and Sawyer turn to leave.]

JACK: Don't bother. We just came back for Hurley. Let's go.

[Jack turns to leave. Sawyer starts to leave, but Hurley looks like he doesn't want to leave Locke behind.]

LOCKE: Jack, you need to hear what I have to say—

[Jack turns around and begins speaking forcefully.]

JACK: What I need to do is to walk back to the chopper, get on it, and get the rest of our people off this island.

HURLEY: Uh, dude, probably not the best idea right now. Those Rambo guys are taking Ben to that helicopter. He surrendered himself to 'em about an hour ago.

JACK: [to Locke] Now why the hell would he do that?

[Keamy and the other mercenaries march Ben through the jungle. Hulky, crew-cut Redfern takes up the rear, his giant rifle pointed into the trees, vigilant against any ambush. Ben's hands are bound with plastic hand bindings.]

KEAMY: So tell me something, Ben. What is it that makes you so important, hmm? I'm curious. I'm curious as to why Mr. Widmore would pay me so much money just to come out here and capture you and bring you back alive.

BEN: Charles Widmore tell you to kill my daughter?

[Keamy and they others hear metal rattling. The helicopter is very near, and pilot Frank Lapidus tries to un-handcuff himself from it using a pair of pliers.]

KEAMY: Hey! How'd he get the toolbox?

[Keamy marches up to Lapidus.]


[Lapidus throws the pliers away into the helicopter.]

KEAMY: Who gave you the toolbox, Frank?

LAPIDUS: Who, uh...

KEAMY: [Forcefully, in Lapidus's face] Hey!

[Behind Keamy, a branch snaps, and some grass rustles. Frank looks in the direction of the disturbance. Keamy whirls around and draws his rifle at the source of the sound. All the other mercenaries do the same. Kate comes running out. She puts her hands up.]

KEAMY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're good right there.

[Kate stops and pants, out of breath.]

KEAMY: Who are you?

KATE: [Gasping] I'm Kate. I'm one of the passengers of Flight 815.

KEAMY: Why are you running?

KATE: I'm being chased... [pants, and points to Ben] by his people.

[Keamy calls to his men and orders them, pointing to different positions in the jungle.]

KEAMY: Kocol... Lacour... Redfern on flank.

[The men go. Omar stays near the helicopter. Keamy grabs Kate by the wrist and pulls her over down beside Ben near the helicopter.]

KEAMY: Come here.

KATE: Whoa. Hey.

KEAMY: Get on your knees.

[He pushes Kate and she falls to her knees.]

KATE: Uhh!

KEAMY: Hands above your heads, both of you.

[They do as they are told. Kate pants. Lapidus looks around, still handcuffed to the helicopter.]

[Voices whisper indistinctly. The ghostly whispers distract the mercenaries as they search for the source of the sounds. Distantly, something runs through the foliage. Suddenly, a man topples out of a tree onto Kocol, tackling him to the ground, pulling his head backwards and cracking his neck before Kocol can make a sound. Keamy looks in Lacour's direction, but sees nothing. Keamy and Redfern spread out. Keamy sees something run through the foliage. Kate looks at Ben, who observes silently. Then, another man jumps from a hiding spot behind some tall grass and whips a snare around Lacour's legs. Lacour trips backward, squeezing the trigger on his rifle as he falls, spraying a stream of muzzle flare into the air.]

KEAMY: Now! Spray it!

[Keamy, Redfern, and Omar begin shooting blindly into the jungle around them. Kate and Ben duck and cover. Lapidus seeks refuge inside the helicopter and dodges the return fire that seems to be coming at the mercenaries from the jungle, where men are spotted shooting rifles from. Near Redfern, a man raises a pistol-like weapon and fires. With a whoosh, a stun dart flies through the air into Redfern's muscular neck. Redfern grabs at his neck on the point of impact, but with an electric crackling sound the stun dart activates and Redfern goes down, his limbs quaking. Grunting, Keamy leaps for cover behind a large rock as the gunfire continues from all around him. Omar fires aimlessly. Bullets ricochet.]

KATE: Ben, stay close. Run! Run.

[She grabs onto Ben and the two start running away from the helicopter. Keamy cocks his rifle and leaves his cover to pursue. Just then, a grenade lands right next to the helicopter.]

LAPIDUS: Grenade!

[Keamy kicks the grenade away from the helicopter, grunting. It lands right next to Omar and explodes, sending Omar flying backward through the air. Keamy ducks again behind the rock as dirt and debris rain on him. He gets up, lets show a grimace that evinces both exasperation and determination, and goes after Kate and Ben. The chase through the jungle is on. Kate and Ben have a head start, but Ben, whose hands are bound, has a tough time keeping up, and finally stumbles and falls.]

BEN: Uhh!

KATE: Get up. Come on. Get up.

[Kate runs back for him and pulls him up--but Keamy is closer now. Suddenly, Sayid sacks Keamy--]

KEAMY: Uhh! Aah!

[--and the two tumble down a slope. Keamy recovers first and draws his handgun, but Sayid grabs Keamy's arm and pushes it to the side just before Keamy gets off a shot. Keamy swings his arm around and pulls the trigger a second time; the bullet flies aimlessly in the opposite direction. Keamy twists Sayid's arm, leveraging Sayid into the ground, but Sayid keeps hold of the gun and flips a leg up to kick Keamy off of him. Keamy falls backward and loses hold of the gun. Sayid grabs it and begins to point it at Keamy, but Keamy kicks a long leg up toward Sayid and kicks the gun out of Sayid's hands. Sayid turns to run toward it. Keamy gets up and pursues, latching onto Sayid's two shoulders. Sayid forgets about the gun and turns under Keamy, unsheathing a curve-bladed knife from Keamy's leg and stabbing it into Keamy's armpit.]


[The two shout battle grunts at each other through a rapid-fire series of attacks and counterattacks: Keamy grabs Sayid's knife arm and knees Sayid, causing Sayid to drop the knife and double over just before Keamy drives an elbow down onto the back of Sayid's head. Sayid recovers quickly, and Keamy throws a right-left one-two, but Sayid blocks the blows and uppercuts Keamy. Keamy's head goes backward, but Keamy comes up with an elbow directly to Sayid's face, and Sayid goes down, falling on his back. Keamy spits from a bloodied mouth. Keamy limps toward the fallen gun. Sayid rolls over and crawls toward it. He picks up a fallen tree limb and swings it around into the back of Keamy's right leg. He hits Keamy in the legs again, and then swings around and hits Keamy in the front of the neck, sending Keamy backward down the slope and onto his back.]

KEAMY: Aah! [Grunting]

[Sayid comes down upon Keamy with the tree limb, but Keamy grabs it and catapults Sayid over the top of him. The momentum of the motion sends Sayid landing on his back with Keamy square on top of him, straddling Sayid's body and pressing the tree limb down into Sayid, with Sayid's only defense to try to bench-press the limb up and away from him. Keamy wins this fight and the limb presses down into Sayid's neck, strangling him. Sayid gasps for air. Keamy presses harder. And harder. And harder. Then--gunfire. Three shots. Keamy topples off of Sayid. Panting, Sayid looks up to see Richard with a handgun in his outstretched arm. Richard lowers the gun and walks toward Sayid. Sayid struggles to his knees as numerous, dirty Others emerge from the tall grass and jungle around them. Kate and Ben, too, come running down the path and into the clearing where Sayid and Keamy's fight took place. Kate offers Sayid a hand and helps him up, smiling at him. Ben looks down at Keamy. Keamy's eyes stare blankly into the sky, wide open. Ben turns toward the man who fired the final shots.]

BEN: Thank you for coming, Richard.

RICHARD: My pleasure.

[Ben reaches his bound hands toward Kate, who has picked up Keamy's knife that Sayid dropped in the fight.]

BEN: Could you cut me free, Kate?

[Kate cuts the plastic bindings off of Ben's hands.]

BEN: What was the arrangement?

RICHARD: They, uh, help us free you, and we let 'em off the island.

BEN: Fair enough. The helicopter is yours. You and Sayid have a safe journey back.

KATE: So we can go? Off the island? That's it?

BEN: That's it.


Act 3

[Flash-forward - In Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, Hurley opens a candy bar.]

MICHAEL'S MOTHER: Thank you, miss.

NURSE: Mm-hmm.

MICHAEL'S MOTHER: Are you Hurley?


MICHAEL'S MOTHER: Are you dangerous?

HURLEY: I'm sorry. Do I know you?

MICHAEL'S MOTHER: No, you don't know me... but you know my grandson.

[Behind Michael's mother, Walt stands at the far end of the room. No longer a ten-year-old, he has grown into a strikingly handsome teenage man.]

MICHAEL'S MOTHER: Now we've traveled all the way across country just so he could see you. I need to know if you're gonna do anything crazy.

HURLEY: I won't do anything crazy.

[Walt sits down in a chair across from Hurley.]

HURLEY: Hey, Walt.

WALT: Hey, Hurley.

HURLEY: You're getting big, Dude.

WALT: You know, when you came back, I was waiting for one of you to come see me, but... nobody did.

HURLEY: I'm sorry.

WALT: Do you know who did come see me? Jeremy Bentham. I don't understand why you're all lying.

HURLEY: [Lowered voice] We're lying... because it's the only way to protect everyone that didn't come back.

WALT: Like my dad?

HURLEY: Like your dad, yeah.

[On-Island - Hurley and Sawyer are waiting just outside the Orchid greenhouse.]

SAWYER: What the hell they talkin' about in there, anyway?

HURLEY: I don't know. Leader stuff?

[Sawyer scoffs. He eyes Hurley's wrapper of soda crackers.]

SAWYER: where'd you get that?

HURLEY: Came from a box Ben dug up out of the ground. They're good.

[Hurley gives Sawyer a soda cracker.]

HURLEY: Thanks for coming back for me.

SAWYER: [Crunching on the cracker] Ah, you got it.

HURLEY: Claire and the baby okay?

[Sawyer looks at Hurley.]

[Jack and Locke are inside the Orchid greenhouse.]

JACK: What did you wanna talk to me about, John?

[Bird squawks in distance.]

LOCKE: I want you to reconsider leaving the island, Jack. I would like you to stay.

JACK: You'd like me to stay?

LOCKE: Yeah, that's right.

JACK: [Chuckles] You threw a knife into the back of an unarmed woman. You led half of our people across the island and got most of them killed.

LOCKE: Well, Jack, you put a gun to my head and you pulled the trigger. I was hoping we could let bygones be bygones.

JACK: Well, I'll tell you what. You stay here in your little greenhouse, but the rest of us are going home.

LOCKE: But you're not supposed to go home.

JACK: And what am I supposed to do? Oh, I think I remember. What was it that you said on the way out to the hatch--that crashing here was our destiny?

LOCKE: You know, Jack. You know that you're here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out...until you decide to come back.

JACK: Good-bye, John.

[Jack turns to leave.]

LOCKE: You're gonna have to lie.

JACK: Excuse me?

LOCKE: If you have to go, then you have to lie about everything...everything that happened since we got to the island it's the only way to protect it.

JACK: [Sighs] It's an island, John. No one needs to protect it.

LOCKE: It's not an island. It's a place where miracles happen. And--and--if you--if you don't believe that, Jack, if you can't believe that, just wait till you see what I'm about to do.

JACK: There's no such thing as miracles.

LOCKE: Well...we'll just have to see which one of us is right.

BEN: Am I interrupting?

[Jack whirls around to see Ben entering the greenhouse. He points his gun at Ben, cocking it.]

BEN: Nice to see you, too, Jack.

[Ben ignores the threat from Jack and moves right past Jack and Locke into the interior of the greenhouse.]

BEN: Couldn't find the Anthuriums, could you?

LOCKE: I don't know what they look like.

[Ben shakes a small potted flower, then reaches underneath a shelf and activates a switch. Metal clacks, and a door creaks as a secret elevator is exposed.]

JACK: What are you doing?

BEN: Didn't you tell him?

LOCKE: I tried.

BEN: Sayid and Kate are waiting for you at the helicopter. I understand that your people from the beach are being brought to the freighter even as we speak.

JACK: What?

BEN: I'd love to fill you in on everything you missed, Jack, but you, Hugo, James, you need to get moving. If I were you, I'd want to be on that boat within the hour. Good-bye, Jack. [To Locke] Let's go.

LOCKE: Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they'll believe you.

[Locke gets into the elevator. He and Jack share a glance through the window before it takes him and Ben down.]


Act 4

[On the freigher, Michael is pushing a tank of liquid nitrogen across the deck.]

[Man speaks indistinctly.]

MAN: Yeah, I'll be right here.

[Aaron crying.]

SUN: Michael? What's going on down there?

MAN: Ready to go?

[Man speaks indistinctly.]

MICHAEL: Did you tell anybody?

SUN: No, Michael. I--I didn't. Can you... t-turn it off?

[Aaron fusses.]

MICHAEL: It isn't even on yet. But, yeah, if what's in this tank does what it's supposed to do, we're gonna be okay.

[Aaron continues fussing.]

MICHAEL: Look, I'll send Jin upstairs. There's no need for him to be down there with me when he can be up here with you.

SUN: I'm pregnant.

MICHAEL: Congratulations, Sun.

[Michael takes the canister below deck.]

DESMOND: You're gonna what?

MICHAEL: Freeze it. This is liquid nitrogen. We use it in the refrigeration hold. The bomb needs a charge from the battery to detonate, right? And the battery runs on a--a chemical reaction. I spray the battery. I can keep it cold. No reaction.

DESMOND: And what's the catch?

MICHAEL: The catch is we only have one canister. We use it up, we're right back where we started.

DESMOND: Well, shouldn't we save it till the light turns red?

MICHAEL: If we see that light turn red and the battery's not already cold, that is the last thing we will ever see. Either way, at least we'll have a warning, buy ourselves some time.

DESMOND: All right, um, freeze the battery. Jin, help me trace back these wires, make a list of where each of them goes to.


[Michael begins to freeze the battery.]

[Motor revving in distance.]

[On the Island, Daniel arrives back on the beach with the raft.]

MAN: Boat!

[Man shouts indistinctly. Motor powers down. People run to help Daniel pull the raft onto the beach.]

FARADAY: Thank you.

MAN: Down there.

JULIET: Did you get them all to the boat?

FARADAY: Yeah, everybody's safe.

JULIET: Are they coming closer?

FARADAY: They fixed the engine, and they're gonna get as close to the island as they can without hitting the reef, so the next trip shouldn't take so long. I'm just gonna get some water, and I'll come back in a minute.

JULIET: Okay, I'll get the next group ready to go.

FARADAY: Thank you.



JULIET: Thanks for helping us.

FARADAY: Absolutely.

JULIET: Okay, let's go!

[Further up the beach, Rose finds Miles in the kitchen.]

ROSE: Uh, who told you you could eat those peanuts?

MILES: May--may I eat these peanuts?

ROSE: I'm gonna keep my eye on you, shorty.

FARADAY: [entering] Miles...

MILES: Somethin' wrong with your neck?

FARADAY: Follow me, please.

CHARLOTTE: Dan, you're back. Hey. What's wrong?

FARADAY: I'm leaving in ten minutes to take the next group of people to the freighter. You need to make sure that you're with me on that raft, all right?

MILES: Well, don't worry about me, 'cause I'm gonna stay.

FARADAY: Miles, no, uh, uh, I don't think I'm getting across the... direness of the circumstance.

MILES: Oh, no, you're very dire, but I'm still gonna stay.

[Faraday sees Charlotte come near.]

FARADAY: Hey, ten minutes.


[Faraday leaves.]

MILES: I'm surprised you wanna leave.


MILES: It's just weird. You know, after all that time you spent trying to get back here.

CHARLOTTE: What do you mean, get back here?

MILES: ...What do I mean?

[He walks away as Charlotte considers what he said.]

[Locke and Ben are going down in the elevator. Whirring.]

LOCKE: How deep is the station?

BEN: Deep.

[Clank, squeak.]

[When it stops, Ben begins switching lights on. Switch clicks, electricity powers up. Switches and knobs clicking.]

LOCKE: Is this the magic box?

BEN: No, John, it's not.

[Switch clicks, whirring.]

LOCKE: What is all this stuff for?

BEN: Same things that all the DHARMA stations are for (flips paper) — silly experiments.

LOCKE: What kind of experiments?

BEN: You know what, John?

[Objects rattle as Ben rummages through a drawer and retrieves a videocassette.]

BEN: Why don't you watch this very informative video that will answer some of your questions...

[Ben flips on a TV set, which hisses with static.]

BEN: ...and I'll take care of some business.

[The videotape player whirrs into operation. The image on the screen warps and distorts, as if the tape is very old and has seen many playings.]

SCIENTIST: [On video] Hello. I'm Dr. Edgar Halliwax... [warps and distorts] and this is the orientation film for station six of the DHARMA Initiative. As you've no doubt surmised, station six, or "The Orchid," is not... [warps and distorts] a botanical research unit. The unique properties... [warps and distorts] of this island have created a kind of Casimir effect, allowing the DHARMA initiative to conduct unique experiments in both space and time. [Clatter] This... is "the vault", constructed adjacent to a pocket of what we believe... [warps and distorts] to be negatively charged "exotic matter". Great care must be taken to avoid leaving inorganic materials... [warps and distorts] inside the chamber. The electromagnetic energy within the island can be highly volatile and unpredictable. Now for your own safety and the safety of those around you, metallic objects must never... [warps and distorts] be placed within the vault.

[There's a loud clank as Ben sets a metal trash bin into the vault.]

SCIENTIST: [On video] [whirring] In our first demonstration, we will attempt to shift the test subject 100 milliseconds ahead in four-dimensional space. For the briefest... [warps and distorts] of moments, the animal will seem to disappear, but in reality... [voice distorts]

[Suddenly, the tape starts to rewind. Locke tries pressing the stop button, but the tape keeps rewinding. He bangs on the top of the videotape player, but to no effect. The machine keeps whirring. Locke gets up and goes to Ben.]

LOCKE: Hey. Uh... was he talking about what I think he was talking about?

BEN: If you mean time-travelling bunnies, then yes.

LOCKE: You do know that he said specifically not to put anything metal in here.

[Ben stares at Locke for a second, then gives a curt, exasperated nod and turns back to his work. Suddenly, they hear a metal creak and a clank and a squeak as the elevator starts making the trip back up the shaft with a whirring sound.]

LOCKE: You expecting someone?

[The elevator continues to squeak up the shaft.]

BEN: May I have my weapon back?


Act 5

[Hurley, Sawyer and Jack arrives at the helicopter.]

HURLEY: Sayid! Kate! [Sayid and Hurley hug] Good to see you, Dude.

[Sawyer looks at the dead body of a mercenary.]

SAWYER: He say somethin' to tick you off, Freckles?

KATE: Didn't kill that one.

SAWYER: Well, which one did you kill?

JACK: Where's the baby?

KATE: He's with Sun, and they should be at the freighter by now. Are you okay?

JACK: I am now.


SAWYER: [To Frank] Hey Kenny Rogers. What you trying to do there, pick a lock?

LAPIDUS: You got a better idea?

SAWYER: Hacksaw.

LAPIDUS: For the handcuffs, right?

[He begins to saw the handcuffs.]

LAPIDUS: Okay, take it easy.

SAWYER: Ay. All right, all right.

JACK: Sayid, how'd you get back?

SAYID: I took the Zodiac from the freighter.

JACK: Is it safe? A body from the boat washed up on the beach.

SAYID: It's safe now.

[Sawyer finishing cutting Lapidus free.]

LAPIDUS: All right! Let's get the hell outta here!

SAWYER: Let's go, Freckles. I've seen enough of this rock.

[Rotors powering up. Everyone boards the helicopter.]

HURLEY: After we drop everyone off at the boat, we can come back and look for Claire, right?

JACK: Absolutely.

LAPIDUS: Hands and feet inside the vehicle! Let's go for a ride!

[The chopper takes off and heads away from the Island.]

[Inside the Orchid station, the elevator creaks to the bottom of the shaft. It stops with a clank and a squeak. Two army boots stand inside. Above them, a hand reaches down and unsheathes a knife from a boot. It's Keamy. He lifts the elevator gate and limps out into the station. In the distance, Dr. Halliwax continues to talk on the videotape.]

SCIENTIST: [On video] ...properties of this island have created a kind of Casimir effect...

KEAMY: I know you're down here, Ben. [Panting] Crouching in the dark, just waiting to take a shot at me.

SCIENTIST: [On video] This... is "the vault"...

KEAMY: Well, you better aim for the head, Ben! Not like your boyfriend who shot me in the back like a coward!

SCIENTIST: [On video] ...to avoid leaving inorganic materials inside...

KEAMY: This body armor's, um, been known to take a bullet or two in its time.

[Halliwax continues to speak indistinctly.]

KEAMY: But before you take your shot, Ben, let me tell you about this. [Panting]

[Keamy removes his flack jacket and it falls to the floor. Strapped to his bare bicep is a device with a green light on it. The light shines in the darkness.]

KEAMY: See that? I took out a bit of a--a life insurance policy, Ben. It's a heart rate monitor, and it's connected to a radio transmitter. W--we call it a "dead man's trigger", Ben. If my heart stops beating... [panting] it sends a little signal to the 500 pounds of C-4 that I've got hardwired out there on the freighter that'd kill a lot of innocent people, Ben. If you think I'm bluffing, need I remind you of, uh... how your daughter looked as she bled out? Face-down in the grass? [Panting]

[Keamy wheels around and assumes a combat stance with his knife when he sees Locke standing there.]

KEAMY: Who the hell are you?

LOCKE: My name is John Locke, and I have no... conflict with you. And neither do the people on that boat. So... why don't you put your knife down? We can talk about this.

KEAMY: Well, John Locke... I've never really been one for talk.

[With a clank and a shouted grunt, Ben emerges from his hiding place, leaping at Keamy. He hits Keamy first in the head, then in Keamy's injured leg with his telescopic baton, sending Keamy to the floor. Then he grabs the knife from Keamy and begins stabbing.]

BEN: You killed my daughter.


BEN: You killed my daughter!

LOCKE: Ben! Ben! Ben, stop! No, no! Stop!

[Ben keeps screaming and grunts as Locke pulls Ben away from the wounded, gagging Keamy.]

LOCKE: Ben, what did you do?

[Keamy's device starts beeping.]

LOCKE: You just killed everybody on that boat.

[Beeping continues.]

BEN: So?


Act 6

[At a distant end of the beach camp, Daniel Faraday finds and shares a private moment with Charlotte Lewis.]

FARADAY: Hey, Charlotte! Listen, uh, I wanted to say before you get on the boat, please--

CHARLOTTE: I'm gonna stay, Daniel... for now, anyway.

FARADAY: Charlotte... there is no "for now". If you don't come with me, "for now" could be forever.

CHARLOTTE: Nothing's forever.


CHARLOTTE: Would it make any sense if I told you I was still looking for where I was born?


[They laugh as they embrace and Charlotte kisses Faraday on the cheek.]

CHARLOTTE: Good-bye, Daniel.

[Daniel walks to the raft.]

FARADAY: Let me guess. You're not coming.

JULIET: I promised I wouldn't leave until I got everyone here safely off this island. Relax. I'll still be here when you get back.

FARADAY: Right, right... when I get back. Okay. Everybody ready? Let's get started. Off we go.

[On the freighet, Michael continues to spray the battery.]

DESMOND: I think I might have something. Okay, so... so if... if I cut this wire, it... it should disconnect the firing mechanisms.

JIN: Stop! 여기 연결돼 있어. No good.

DESMOND: Damn it! I--I just don't know enough. H--how do we even know your little freezing trick's doing anything?

MICHAEL: We'll know if that light turns red and we're still here.

DESMOND: How much stuff do we have left?

MICHAEL: We got a quarter tank.

DESMOND: What happens if we can't deactivate the bomb?

MICHAEL: We better get everybody the hell off this boat.

[The chopper is heading for the freigher. Frank notices the fuel gauge rapidly going down.]

SAYID: What's the matter?

LAPIDUS: We're losing fuel.

JACK: What?!

LAPIDUS: We're losing fuel! Look outside, tell me if you can see anything!

[Everyone looks outside. Sayid spots a fuel leak.]

SAYID: We have a fuel leak! A bullet must have pierced the tank!

LAPIDUS: We gotta find a place to set her down!

JACK: No, don't land!


JACK: There's no fuel on the island! We've gotta get to the boat, or this chopper's useless!

LAPIDUS: I'm telling ya, I don't see the boat!

JACK: Well, then keep looking!

LAPIDUS: We gotta get every ounce of extra weight off this chopper now! Anything that's not bolted down, toss it out!

[Everyone throws various pieces of luggage into the water.]

JACK: Now what? Is that enough? Can we make it?!

LAPIDUS: I'd feel a hell of a lot better if we were a few hundred pounds lighter! Well, if we don't make it, we're still close enough to ditch it on the beach.

JACK: Hey! Do not go back to the island!

LAPIDUS: We might not have a choice, Doc.

SAWYER: Hey... [whispering indistinctly]

KATE: Why are you telling me this?

[Sawyer and Kate kiss.]

SAWYER: Just do it, Freckles.

[Sawyer jumps from the chopper.]

KATE: Sawyer!

[After a moment, he surfaces from the water. After watching the helicopter flying away, he turns and starts swimming back to the Island.]

source : lostpedia

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langedu74, Avant-hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Hier à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Hier à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Hier à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

Locksley, Hier à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

Viens chatter !