254 fans | Vote

#601 : Los Angeles (1ère partie)

Titre VO :
Titre VF : On efface tout...
Centric sur : Multiple
Diffusion USA : 02/02/10 sur abc à 21h
Diffusion France : 05/05/10 sur TF1 à 23h
Guest Stars : Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet), Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond), Dominic Monaghan (Charlie), Jeremy Davies (Daniel), Ian Somerhalder (Boone), L. Scott Caldwell (Rose), Sam Anderson (Bernard), Mark Pelligrino (Jacob), Daniel Roebuck (Dr. Arzt), Kimberly Joseph (Cindy), Fredric Lane (le Marshall), Greg Grunberg (le pilote), Brad William Henke (Bram), Sean Whalen (Neil).

Résumé court : 

L'avion du vol 815 d'Oceanic Airlines ne s'est pas écrasé sur l'île et atterrit à Los Angeles. Dans une réalité alternative, les survivants sont toujours sur l'île malgré l'explosion de la bombe.

Bonus : A 20h, un épisode récapitulatif des cinq saisons, puis de 21h à 23h, le double épisode (601-602).


4.17 - 6 votes

Titre VO
LA X - Part 1

Titre VF
Los Angeles (1ère partie)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Promo n°4 - Premières images

Promo n°4 - Premières images


Promo n°5 - Abc

Promo n°5 - Abc


Promo n°6 - Abc

Promo n°6 - Abc


Plus de détails

Jack est dans un avion, le vol 815 d’Oceanic Airlines. Près de lui, Rose attend le retour de Bernard qui est aux toilettes. Elle ne le connaît pas et tous les survivants de l’île sont à bord : Kate est menottée aux côtés du policier qui l’a arrêtée, Charlie se drogue dans les toilettes, Locke est paralysé, Jin est autoritaire avec Sun. Desmond est également dans l’avion. La caméra plonge du ciel vers l’océan et on découvre l’île totalement submergée : Dharmaville ainsi que la statue géante du pied à quatre orteils sont sous l’eau.


En parallèle, Juliet a fait exploser la bombe atomique mais Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Miles, Hurley, Jin et Sayid (qui est blessé par balle) sont toujours sur l’île. Kate constate qu’ils ont de nouveau voyagé dans le temps car la trappe est dans l’état où ils l’avaient laissée après que Desmond ait tourné la clé. Sawyer est furieux de constater que le plan de Jack n’a pas marché et que Juliet est morte pour rien. Jack est désemparé, il ne comprend pas ce qui s’est passé. Kate entend alors quelqu’un appeler à l’aide, il s’agit de Juliet qui est bloquée dans la trappe. Tous s’attellent à désencombrer l’ouverture de la trappe pour la libérer. Pendant ce temps, Hurley veille sur Sayid quand Jacob lui apparaît. Hurley se rappelle l’avoir vu avant de prendre le vol 815 mais ignore qui il est. Jacob lui annonce qu’il est mort et lui dit d’emmener Sayid au temple, là où Jin a vu le groupe de scientifiques français, pour le sauver.


Ben vient de tuer Jacob et ne comprend pas pourquoi Jacob n’a pas lutté et s’est laissé faire. Le faux Locke lui explique que Jacob se savait vaincu. Sur la plage, Ilana et son groupe veulent entrer dans la statue contre l’avis de Richard. Ben arrive et demande à Richard d’entrer car Locke veut lui parler. Richard, en colère, lui montre alors le cadavre de Locke. Les hommes d’Ilana prennent Ben par le bras et l’entraînent dans la statue, Richard refusant d’y entrer. Lorsque les hommes apprennent que Jacob est mort, ils tirent sur le faux Locke qui disparaît subitement. La fumée noire apparaît et tue les hommes d’Ilana. L’un d’eux dépose une poudre en cercle autour de lui qui semble le protéger de la fumée noire, mais il tombe hors du cercle et la fumée noire en profite pour le tuer. La fumée noire disparaît pour laisser place au faux Locke qui s’excuse auprès de Ben de s’être montré sous cet aspect.


Sawyer tient Juliet dans ses bras. Celle-ci, gravement blessée, est furieuse de constater que l’explosion de la bombe n’a rien changé à leur destin. Elle meurt dans ses bras. Sawyer demande à Miles de l’aider pour enterrer Juliet. Il veut savoir ce que Juliet était sur le point de lui dire avant de mourir. Miles lui révèle que Juliet voulait lui dire « ça a marché ». Ni l’un ni l’autre ne comprend ce que ça veut dire.

Pendant ce temps, Kate, Jack, Hurley et Jin emmènent Sayid au temple. Ils descendent par la faille dans le sol mais sont rapidement arrêtés par des gens armés. Ils sont emmenés au vrai temple, une grande pyramide. Le chef, un asiatique qui parle japonais, ordonne à ses hommes de les tuer mais Hurley dit qu’il vient de la part de Jacob. Cindy, l’hôtesse de l’air du vol 815 d’Oceanic Airlines, fait partie de ces autochtones et confirme qu’elle les connaît. Hurley leur montre l’étui à guitare que Jacob lui a donné à Sydney. Le chef ouvre l’étui et en sort une croix de vie égyptienne en bois. Il la casse et trouve une feuille en papier. Il demande alors aux survivants de dire leur nom ; ils s’exécutent et le chef semble acquiescer tout en lisant la feuille. Il fait alors entrer tout le monde dans le temple pour sauver Sayid. Il les emmène à une source mais semble surpris de constater que l’eau n’est pas limpide. Il plonge quand même Sayid dans la source et le maintient sous l’eau. Les survivants commencent à s’inquiéter car ils ont peur que Sayid se noie. Sayid est sorti de l’eau après que le sable d’un sablier se soit totalement écoulé. Jack commence alors un massage cardiaque à Sayid qui semble mort. Hurley est emmené dans une salle où le chef lui annonce que Sayid ne sera pas sauvé. Il lui demande si Jacob va venir au temple. Lorsque Hurley répond que Jacob est mort, c’est l’alerte générale : des traînées de cendre sont déposées tout autour du temple, les portes sont bloquées et une fusée de détresse est lancée. Lorsque Hurley interroge le traducteur du chef, celui-ci répond qu’ils font tout pour « l’empêcher d’entrer ».

Saywer et Miles sont également emmenés au temple. Kate veille sur Sawyer qui a été assommé par les hommes du temple. Lorsqu’il se réveille, elle lui dit être désolée pour ce qui est arrivé à Juliet et tente de calmer la colère de Sawyer envers Jack en lui affirmant que Jack pensait aider tout le monde.


Le vol 815 se déroule normalement et l’avion atterrit à Los Angeles. Charlie est arrêté par la police pour possession de drogue, Jin est retenu à la douane à cause d’une grosse somme d’argent en liquide qu’il n’a pas déclarée et un employé d’Oceanic Airlines apprend à Jack que le cercueil de son père a disparu. Kate réussit à semer le policier qui l’escorte après lui avoir volé son arme. Elle monte dans un taxi pour fuir la police et menace le chauffeur avec son arme pour qu’il démarre bien qu’il ait déjà une cliente, il s’agit de Claire. Jack retrouve Locke au comptoir d’Oceanic Airlines car la valise de Locke a été perdue, comme le cercueil du père de Jack. En tant que neurochirurgien, Jack demande à Locke pourquoi il est en fauteuil roulant, Locke lui répond que son état est irréversible mais Jack lui tend sa carte de visite pour une consultation en affirmant que rien n’est irréversible.


Dans la statue, Ben est totalement désœuvré. Le faux Locke commence alors à lui parler de John Locke, il lui explique à quel point il était pathétique et à quel point sa vie avant l’île était pitoyable. Il reconnaît toutefois que John était le seul à avoir compris que sa vie avant l’île ne valait rien. Lorsque Ben lui demande ce qu’il veut, le faux Locke lui répond qu’il veut rentrer chez lui. Sur la plage, Richard remarque dans le ciel la fusée de détresse lancée par les gens du temple. Il semble très choqué. Le faux Locke sort de la statue et se fait braquer par Ilana. Richard lui crie de ne pas tirer. Il regarde, ébahi, le faux Locke qui s’approche de lui. Le faux Locke fait une remarque à Richard sur le fait qu’il ne porte plus ses chaînes et l’assomme. Il le porte sur son épaule et quitte la plage.


Les survivants sont toujours au temple. Le traducteur du chef demande à parler à Jack en tête à tête. Lorsque celui-ci refuse, deux hommes tentent de l’emmener de force. Ils sont interrompus lorsque Sayid reprend connaissance. Il semble être en parfaite santé.

"LA X-Part 1" ~6x01~

Act 1

[The Previously on Lost ends with the detonation of the bomb - then cuts to the clouds, as the view zooms out to Jack. Jack is then interrupted by Cindy.]

CINDY: So how's the drink?

JACK: Uh... it's good.

CINDY: That's not a very strong reaction.

JACK: Well, it's--it's not a very strong drink.

[She hands Jack a single Vodka bottle.]

CINDY: Don't tell anyone.

JACK: It'll be our secret.

[As Jack pours the Vodka into his drink, the plane shakes causing him to spill a little. Jack buckles his seatbelt.]

CINDY: [Over P.A.] Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the "fasten seat belts" sign.

[Rattling stops.]

CINDY: [Over P.A.] Please return to your seats and keep your seat belts fastened.

ROSE: It's normal. My husband said the planes want to stay in the air.

[Jack chuckles.]

JACK: Sounds like a smart man.

ROSE: You be sure and tell him that when he gets back from the bathroom.

JACK: Well, I'll keep you company until he does. Don't worry--

[The plane starts to shake again, this time more violently. Luggage falls from the overhead compartment and Jack grips his seat, almost in anticipation. The turbulance ends and Jack breaths a sigh of relief.]

ROSE: You can let go now.

[Passengers murmuring.]

ROSE: It's okay. You--you can let go.

[Jack let's go and sighs.]

JACK: Looks like we made it.

ROSE: Yeah. We sure did.

[Bell dings.]

NORRIS: [over P.A.] Sorry about the unexpected bumps, folks. We just hit a pocket of rough air. It should be a smooth ride from here on out.

[Bernard returns from the bathroom.]

BERNARD: [Lowered voice] Remind me to hold it next time, will ya? [Normal voice] I almost died in that bathroom.

[Seat belt clicks.]

BERNARD: Now I know how the laundry feels when it's in the dryer.

[Rose chuckles.]

ROSE: I missed you.

BERNARD: I missed you, too, beautiful.

[Jack visits restroom, and see's what appears to be shaving wound on neck. He then goes back to his seat to find Desmond sitting in the row.]

JACK: Excuse me.

DESMOND: Oh, I'm sorry, mate. Is this your seat? The stewardess said it was empty.

JACK: No. No, I'm at the window.

DESMOND: Oh, right. [Unlatches seat belt] Listen, mate, do you mind if I sit here? It's just the fella next to me has been snoring ever since we took off from Sydney.

JACK: [Chuckles] Yeah, no problem.

DESMOND: Thanks, brother. [Jack, unnerved, looks at Desmond] Something wrong?

JACK: No. No, you just... [sighs] Do I know you from somewhere?

DESMOND: [Chuckles] Well, I'm not sure. [holding out his hand] Desmond.

JACK: [shaking Desmond's hand] Jack.

DESMOND: Nice to meet you, Jack... or to see you again.

[Jack laughs, then sighs. The camera pans out the window and shoots down, miles beneath the plane into the ocean, where the entire Island lies sunken under the ocean. The sonic fence and DI houses are shown, as is DHARMA shark and the 4-toed statue.]


Act 2

[On-Island - Back in 1977, Jack holds the Jughead core over the Swan shaft. The Incident begins, resulting in Juliet being pulled down the shaft by some chains.]

JULIET: Aah! No! No!

SAWYER: Juliet!


SAWYER: I got you. No, don't let go!


SAWYER: Juliet! No!

[She falls. Down in the shaft, Juliet hits the core.]

JULIET: [Sobbing] Come on! Come on, you son of a bitch!

[Loud explosion - white flash. Focus on Kate's eye - she regains consciousness to find she's up a tree - all sound is muffled. She nearly falls and manages to hang on.]

KATE: [Grunting] Aah!

[She climbs down the tree and reaches the ground. Muffled ringing noise continues.]

KATE: Hello?

[This causes some discomfort and Kate rubs her ears. The ringing gets quieter.]

KATE: Hello?!

[Kate starts to look around.]


[Grunts - Kate tackles Miles to the ground.]

MILES: [Grunts] Hey! Hey! Kate!


MILES: It's okay. It's me, miles. It's okay.

KATE: What happened?

MILES: What?

KATE: Where are we?

MILES: I can't--I can't hear you. Are your ears ringing?

[Kate notices the doors to the Swan station hidden in the vines and examines it.]

MILES: What is it?

KATE: We're back.

MILES: Back where?

[Kate runs to see hatch crater.]


MILES: Is that the construction site?

KATE: No. That's the Swan hatch... after Desmond blew it up.

MILES: Guess we're not in 1977, huh?

[Kate notices Jack and Sawyer on the floor - she goes to Jack.]

KATE: Jack? Jack. [he wakes up] Can you hear me? Jack!

JACK: What happened? Where are we?

KATE: At the hatch.

[Jack gets up and looks into the crater.]

JACK: What? They built it?

KATE: Yeah. They built it.

[Grunts - Sawyer kicks Jack in the face, who falls down into crater.]

KATE: Sawyer!

[Kate climbs down after Jack.]

JACK: Uhh!

SAWYER: You were wrong! [Sawyer begins to climb down] That's the damn Swan hatch--blown up just like we left it before we started jumping through time! You said we could stop it from ever gettin' built! That our plane would never crash on this Island!

KATE: Stop it!

SAWYER: This ain't LAX!

KATE: Stop it!

SAWYER: You blew us right back where we started! Except Juliet's dead. She's dead, you son of a bitch, 'cause you were wrong.

JACK: [Panting] Sawyer... I'm sorry. I thought we were supposed to... I thought it would work.

SAWYER: Well, it didn't!

[Flash sideways - Jack walks to restroom.]

JACK: You in line?

MARS: No, I'm just waiting for my friend.

[Door unlocks and rattles. Kate bursts out and bumps into Jack.]


JACK: Whoa.

KATE: I'm sorry. I didn't...

JACK: [Chuckles] It's okay.

KATE: I didn't see you there.

JACK: It's okay.

MARS: Let's get back to our seats, sweetheart.

[They take their seats. Mars passes Kate a meal tray.]

MARS: Mmm. Lasagna.

[Mars snatches the metal cutlery from the tray.]

MARS: No. No knife and fork for you, honey.

KATE: What do you think I'm gonna do, stab you and run?

[A man brushes past Mars on his way through the aisle.]

MARS: Hey, watch we're you're going, buddy.

SAWYER: [Turning around] Sorry. My bad.

[Sawyer continues down the aisle to his seat.]

ARZT: Say it. Come on, please? Just once.

HURLEY: I really don't want to, dude.

ARZT: I love those commercials. Come on. Just do the Australian accent, and I'll leave you alone.

HURLEY: All right. Fine. All right. [Australian accent] Oi! Have a cluckity-cluck day, mate!

ARZT: [Laughing] You know who this is? This is--this is the owner of Mr. Cluck's Chicken. And he's--and he's back here riding coach with the rest of us yutzes! Huh? [Laughs]

SAWYER: How about that?

ARZT: Hey, um, do you mind me asking, how exactly did a guy like you get to own a major corporation?

HURLEY: I won the lottery and I like chicken, so I bought it.

ARZT: Oh. Good. Good for you.

[Arzt leaves.]

SAWYER: You know, you really shouldn't tell people you won the lottery.

HURLEY: Yeah? Why not?

SAWYER: Cause they'll take advantage of you. That's why not.

HURLEY: Thanks for the advice, dude, but it's not gonna happen.

SAWYER: It's not, huh?

HURLEY: Nope. Nothing bad ever happens to me. I'm the luckiest guy alive.

[Hurley puts his headphones on and smiles.]

[On-Island - Hurley sits outside the DHARMA van with Sayid's head resting on him.]

HURLEY: [Loudly] What just happened?

JIN: I found a flashlight.

HURLEY: Dude, who cares? The sky just went from day to night. What happened?!

JIN: I think we moved through time.

HURLEY: How do you know that?

JIN: White flash. Headache. Can't hear. Happened to me before.

HURLEY: What about Jack and everyone else? Did they move through time, too?

JIN: I don't know. They took one of the other vans and went up to the worksite.

[Sawyer shouts indistinctly.]

JIN: And then I heard gunfire--


SAWYER: [Shouting distantly] You said that our plane would never crash on this Island!

HURLEY: You hear that, dude? It's Sawyer.

JIN: Stay here with Sayid.

[Jin takes off. At the crater, Jack and Sawyer argue.]

JACK: The bomb must've gone off.

SAWYER: You think an atom bomb went off, we'd still be standing here?!

JACK: I don't know.

SAWYER: That's right! You don't! For once, you don't know!

JIN: Jack! Sayid needs help.

JACK: Where is he?

JIN: With Hurley at the van. Two minutes away.

JULIET: [Muffled, weak voice] Help.

JIN: He's still bleeding. We don't know what to do.

JULIET: Help me.

[Kate hears Juliet under the twisted metal of the Swan station and investigates.]

SAWYER: So what do you say, doc? Got another great idea to save Sayid? Maybe there's a nuke laying around.

KATE: Hey, shut up!


[Sawyer starts to clear the metal out of the way, and everyone else joins him.]

SAWYER: Juliet!

JULIET: James?

KATE: Oh, my God.

SAWYER: Juliet!

[Back at the van, Sayid coughs and gags.]

HURLEY: Oh, God. Oh, God, this is gross.

[Coughing and gagging, wheezing.]

HURLEY: Don't worry, dude. Everything's gonna be fine.

SAYID: [Weakly] When I die... [groans] what do you think will happen to me?

HURLEY: Just--just try not to talk, dude.

SAYID: [Inhales sharply] I've tortured more people than I can remember. I murdered. Wherever I'm going... [whispers] it can't be very pleasant.

HURLEY: Sayid, come on.

SAYID: I deserve it.

[Hurley hears leaves rustling in the jungle.]

HURLEY: Hello? Jin?

[Sayid wheezes.]


[Leaves rustle. Hurley picks up a gun.]

HURLEY: I've got a gun!

[The rustling stops. Hurley struggles feebly to cock the gun.]

HURLEY: And I know how to shoot it!

[He goes to investigate. The rustling starts again. Hurley hears footsteps behind him and turns around slowly. Jacob in standing there.]

JACOB: Hello, Hugo. You got a minute?


Act 3

[Flash sideways - Rose and Bernard Speak indistinctly... both chuckle. Sun smiles as she watches them from her seat.]

JIN: 저 사람들을 뭘 쳐다봐? [Subtitle: Why are you staring at them?]

SUN: 아니... 그냥 너무 행복해보여서요. [Subtitles: I-- they just seem so happy.]

JIN: 단추 채워라. [Subtitles: Button your sweater.]

[She does. Locke is looking at a leaftlet about emergency procedures.]

BOONE: You're wasting your time, man. This plane goes down in the ocean way out here, I think our chances of survival are exactly zero.

LOCKE: Actually, in calm seas w-with a good pilot, we could survive a water landing. And, uh, the fuel tanks are buoyant enough to keep us afloat until we got in the life rafts...

[Boone grins at Locke.]

LOCKE: What?

BOONE: No, it's just impressive you know that. So what were you doing in Australia? Business or pleasure?

LOCKE: Pleasure. You?

BOONE: I went down to get my sister out of a bad relationship that it turns out she didn't want to get out of. So... here I am. So what, you were just Down Under for vacation?

LOCKE: Actually, I went on a walkabout.

BOONE: Really? Like--like Crocodile Dundee?

LOCKE: [Chuckles] No, not exactly. But--but, uh, it was pretty intense. We--we spent ten days in the Outback and, uh, nothing but our packs and our knives. We slept under the stars and made our own fires, hunted our own food.

BOONE: Wow. I wouldn't make it two days without my cell phone.

[Both chuckle.]

BOONE: You're not pulling my leg, are ya?

LOCKE: Why would I pull your leg?

[Boone chuckles.]

BOONE: This thing goes down, I'm sticking with you.

[Locke gives thumbs up.]

[On-Island - Inside Jacob's chamber the fire crackles. Locke cuts material from a rug and wipes Jacobs blood from the blade. Ben stands over the fire, staring into it motionless.]

LOCKE: You can stop staring at the fire. Jacob's gone. He's gone.

BEN: Why didn't he fight back? Why did he let me just kill him?

LOCKE: I guess he knew that he was beaten. Ben... I want you to go outside and tell Richard that I need to talk to him.

BEN: Talk to him about... what?

LOCKE: That's between me and Richard.

[Outside, indistinct heated conversation takes place between Richard and Bram.]

RICHARD: There's no other reason.

BRAM: No, that's not how it's gonna be.

RICHARD: You have to--you're not going in there.

[Speaks indistinctly.]

RICHARD: No [...indistinct]

[Speaks indistinctly.]

RICHARD: Just back up a little. Okay?

[Richard and Bram speaking indistinctly.]

SUN: Who are they?

LAPIDUS: Other than the fact that I know they were on the Ajira flight with us, all I know is they knocked me out and dragged my ass to some cabin, which they promptly burned, then... brought me here along with the dead guy in the box. They say they're the good guys.

[Both speaking indistinctly.]

LAPIDUS: I'm not buying it either.

[Bram starts to walk toward the statue and Richard stops him.]

RICHARD: Listen to me. Hey! Listen to me, and listen carefully. No one goes in there unless Jacob invites them in.

ILANA: Richard, that's why we're here, because Jacob invited us.

RICHARD: Asking me what's in the shadow of the damn statue doesn't mean you're in charge.

ILANA: Then who is?

[Ben steps down the rocks onto the beach.]

BEN: Richard. [Panting]

RICHARD: Ben. What happened in there?

BEN: Everything's fine. John wants to speak to you.

ILANA: Is Jacob all right?

BEN: I'm sorry. Who are you?

RICHARD: Answer her question, Ben.

BEN: Well, of course Jacob's all right. They're both together inside. John just wants to talk to you.

RICHARD: John wants to talk to me?

BEN: That's right.

[Richard grabs Ben and pulls him along the beach.]

BEN: Richard, what are you doing? I don't understand.

RICHARD: Well, I'm happy to talk to John. But before I do, maybe you should talk to him first.

[Richard throws Ben down on the sand next to where the body of John Locke lays half-dumped out of the cargo container.]


Act 4

[Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Miles, and Jin dig through the wreckage at the Swan crater. Clanking metal, grunting.]

SAWYER: Hang on, Juliet! We're comin'!

[Clanking metal, grunting.]

JACK: Jin! Flashlight!

[Jin hands Jack the flashlight, Jack shines the light into the hole.]

SAWYER: If we can move this beam, I think I can get down there.

[Clanking metal, grunting.]

SAWYER: It's too heavy... we need something to pull it. Jin! The van. There's chains in it. Go get 'em!

[Jin runs into the jungle.]

[In the jungle, Hurley follows Jacob back to Sayid and the van.]

HURLEY: Where you goin', dude? And what are you doin' here? I mean... I meet you in a taxi and you know everything about me and you give me a plane ticket which just so happens to get me back on this Island. How'd you know that was gonna happen?

[Jacob looks down at Sayid, does not respond.]

HURLEY: Hello? Can you hear me? Why aren't you answering my questions?

[Jacob kneels next to Sayid, troubled.]

HURLEY: Look, my friend Jin is gonna be here any second so you better stop ignoring--

JACOB: Your friend Jin won't be able to see me.

HURLEY: Why not?

JACOB: Because I died an hour ago.

HURLEY: Sorry, dude, that sucks.

[Jacob stands.]

JACOB: Thanks.

HURLEY: How'd you die?

JACOB: I was killed by an old friend who grew tired of my company.

[Hurley thinks for a moment.]

HURLEY: You want me to do something crazy again, don't you?

JACOB: No. I need you to save Sayid, Hugo.

HURLEY: Well that's why Jin went to go get Jack...

JACOB: Jin can't help him. You need to take Sayid to the Temple. That's the only chance he's got. And the rest of them will be safe there.

HURLEY: The Temple? I'm supposed to know what that is?

JACOB: Jin knows. Tell him to take you to the hole in the wall where he was with the French team. Through that opening you can get into the Temple. You still have that guitar case I gave you?

HURLEY: Yeah...

JACOB: Bring it.

HURLEY: Who are you, dude?

JACOB: I'm Jacob.

[Hurley's eyes widen... in recognition? Rustling. Jin runs out of the jungle.]

JIN: Hurley! Help me with Sayid. We have to get him into the van. Juliet needs our help.

[Hurley turns to find that Jacob has disappeared.]

JIN: Come on, we have to go!

[Hurley and Jin lift Sayid into the van. Moments later, the van rumbles through the jungle.]

HURLEY: Jin, if I asked you to take me to where there's, like, a hole in the wall... where you went with the French team... would you know what I was talkin' about?

[Jin thinks for a moment.]

JIN: Yes.


[At the Swan crater, the group hears the van approaching. Engine rumbling, tires squeaking.]

JACK: I'll get the chain.

[Miles drops his shovel and follows Jack to the van.]

SAWYER: Juliet!

[He begins tugging at the beam, Katie wrestles him off.]

KATE: Stop it! Stop, Sawyer! The van is here, the chains are coming.

[Chains rattling.]

SAWYER: She ain't makin' any more noises...

KATE: No, she knows we're here. She's probably just resting.

SAWYER: Juliet!

[Jin tosses one end of the chain into the crater, Jack picks it up. Sawyer looks at Jack.]

SAWYER: If she dies, I'll kill him.

[Chain rattling.]

[Flash sideways - Jack sits in his seat on the plane.]

CINDY: [Over P.A.] Ladies and gentlemen, nothing to be alarmed about, but if there is a doctor onboard could you please press your call button?

[Electronic ding. Cindy approaches Jack's seat and responds to the call.]

CINDY: Sir? You're a doctor?

JACK: Yes.

CINDY: Could you come with me please?

[Jack follows Cindy down the aisle.]

CINDY: We appreciate your help. A passenger went into the restroom about half an hour ago and he's not responding when we knock.

[Another airline employee is knocking on the restroom door.]

CINDY: This man's a doctor. If he's unconscious in there--"

EMPLOYEE: Well, I think he tampered with the lock, it's... it's jammed or something, I don't know.

SAYID: Can I be of assistance?

[They all stare at him.]

SAYID: Excuse me.

[Sayid kicks the restroom door open. Jack checks the pulse of a man wearing a familiar ring and listens for breathing.]

JACK: He's not breathing.

[The man is revealed to be Charlie.]


Act 5

[Cindy rushes to back of plane with medical supplies.]

SAWYER: What's goin' on back there, Earheart?

CINDY: Everything's fine sir, please just stay in your seats.

SAWYER: ...yeah, looks peachy.

JACK: [to Sayid] ...Sir, I'm gonna need your help.

SAYID: What can I do?

JACK: I need ya [Jack pulls out breathing pump] to hold this over his mouth... hold it there and do not let any air escape.

SAYID: OK, now?

JACK: Yes, now.

[Jack pumps air.]

JACK: Somethings blocking his air passage. [Jacks sticks fingers in Charlies mouth] I'm gonna have to open it up. I need, uh, something sharp - a razor...

[Cindy frantically looks.]

JACK: I gotta pen.

SAYID: A pen!?

CINDY: It's regulation, there's nothing sharp.

JACK: A pen! Just a pen. I had a pen in my jacket but it's gone. Damnit.

[Jack tries again - he gets the obstruction (heroin) out, passes it to Sayid. Charlie wakes up, gasping for air.]

JACK: I got it, I got it. Relax, just relax, breathe.

CHARLIE: Am I alive?

JACK: Yeah, you're alive.

CHARLIE: [sighs] ...Terrific.

[On-Island - Sawyer and Kate wrap the chain around the girder.]

JACK: You got it?

SAWYER: Okay Jin! We're good down here! [Jin starts DHARMA van] ...hit it!

[All struggle to get girder out - successfully.]

SAWYER: Gimme the flashlight.

[Sawyer climbs down to Juliet.]

SAWYER: Juliet! Okay...I'm comin... Juliet? Hey, I'm here, come on baby, come on wake up.

[Juliet opens eyes.]



JULIET: Wh-Wh-Where are we?

SAWYER: Don't worry about that. You're fine. I gotta get you outta here, okay?

JULIET: It didn't work, we're still on the Island.

SAWYER: It's okay, It's okay, I just gotta get this loose enough to get you out, okay?

JULIET: No, I hit the bomb and you're still here.

SAWYER: You what? ...You hit the bomb? Why?

JULIET: I wanted you to be able to go home. I wanted to make it so you never came to this damn Island [Juliet starts crying] ...it didn't work.

SAWYER: Don't you worry about that. You're gonna be OK. I'm gonna get you outta here and we're all gonna go home together, you hear me?

[Outisde in the crater, Kate is looking down into the hole.]

KATE: Sawyer!?

[Jack is inspecting Sayids wound in the van.]

JACK: Even if I could get the bullet out, bleeding won't stop, there's nothing I can do for him.

HURLEY: There's somethin' I can do. There's a temple, if we can get Sayid there we can save him.

MILES: And you know this how?

HURLEY: This guy Jacob told me just before we got here.

JACK: Who's Jacob?

HURLEY: Does it matter? Can you fix Sayid, Jack?


HURLEY: Then you're gonna have to let me do it.

[Jack nods.]

[At the beach, Ben stares at the body of Locke.]

RICHARD: Ben, you need to talk to me. I can't stop them unless you tell me what happened in there. What happened to Jacob.

[Ben is silent.]

RICHARD: You and I have known each other for 30 years Ben, I'm asking you this as a friend.

BEN: You wanna know what happened Richard? Why don't 'cha go inside and find out.

[Bram grabs Ben roughly and pulls him along the beach.]

RICHARD: What are ya doin?

BRAM: We're goin in, and he's comin' with us.

[Bram and three others go with him, Locke is waiting patiently inside. Ben gets pushed inside.]

LOCKE: Where's Richard?

BEN: He's not coming.

LOCKE: Then who is that behind you?

[Bram and three others walk in, rifles aimed and ready, almost ignoring Locke and looking around.]

BRAM: Where's Jacob?

LOCKE: Jacob is dead.

[Bram and others cock rifles and point at Locke.]

BRAM: Who are you?

LOCKE: Don't worry about me. Let's talk about you. I'm assuming that you are, what? Jacobs bodyguards? and that you came all the way to this Island to protect him? Well I have good news, Jacob burned up, right there in that fire. Therefore there's nothing left for you to protect. You can go. You're free.

[Bram shoots Locke in upper right section of body. Locke recoils from impact... multiple other shots from Bram and buddies are fired while Locke runs behind a stone pillar.]

BRAM: Kill him! Spread out! Get him! ...where is he?

[Bram picks up bullet damaged by impact, with no blood on it. Smokey sounds surround them, then smokey appears in entrance, Ben crouches in corner, scared. Smokey kills Brams three buddies, but Bram pours ash in a circle on floor and stands in it - it seems to stop smokey. Smokey hits the roof, knocking bits off which knock Bram out of circle, at which point smokey kills him too. Ben starts to walks out, but hears footsteps behind him. He turns around. Locke is standing there.]

LOCKE: I'm sorry you had to see me like that.


Act 6

[Kate is still looking into the hole.]

KATE: Sawyer!? Is she ok?

SAWYER: Working on it!

[Sawyer struggles to lift iron girder off Juliet's legs.]

SAWYER: Okay, okay, I got'cha, I got'cha. Don't worry.

[Sawyer hugs Juliet.]

JULIET: We can get coffee some time.

SAWYER: I gotta get you outta here.

JULIET: We can go dutch.

SAWYER: Juliet...it's me.

JULIET: ...James.


JULIET: Kiss me.

SAWYER: You got it Blondie.

[They kiss.]

JULIET: I have to tell you something, it's really really important.

SAWYER: You tell me... you tell me...

[Juliet starts to mouth words, but she passes away.]

SAWYER: Juliet? You tell me [Sawyer begins crying] ...oh...oh my god [groans, crying]

[Jack, Miles, Hurley, and Kate watch as Sawyer brings Juliet's body to surface, Sawyer gives Jack the evil eye.]

SAWYER: You did this.

[Flash sideways - Charlie is bound by two male flight attendants, then taken to his seat, passing Jack.]

CHARLIE: Should'a let that happen man, I was supposed to die.

CINDY: Don't take it personally, some people just don't know how to say thanks.

[Jack goes back to his seat, noticing Desmond is no longer there.]

JACK: Excuse me, do you know what happened to the guy that was sitting next to me?

ROSE: Um, we were asleep.

NORRIS: [on P.A.] Ladies and Gentlemen, captain Norris here, we're now beginning our final descent into Los Angeles international airport, I'm happy to tell you it's a beautiful day in Los Angeles, 72 degrees, 6 miles visibility and winds outta the south-west at 5 miles an hour.

ROSE: Buckle up. We're almost home.

[Jack smiles and buckles up.]

NORRIS: I'll be putting on the fasten seat belt sign now, we'll be on the ground in just a few minutes, thank you so much for flying Oceanic Air.

[Sawyer and Hurley raise seats to upright position; Jin looks at Rolex watch and out window. The plane lands - cops take Charlie away first - all get up to leave - Sayid leaves quickly - Boone shakes Lockes hand - Jack leaves last, seeing Locke get put into a wheelchair.]

source : lostpedia

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